(Chapter 33)

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Adrianne tapped her foot, fidgeting the ring on her finger as she waited for Marcel to open the door. She frowned as a full minute passed and she got no respond.

Raising her fist, she rapped the door again, only for the sound of knuckles against wood to resonate back at her in an almost taunting way.

What was taking him so long? Where was he? Was Marcel taking a nap? Should she leave him be?

“What are you doing here?”

Adrianne whipped around and saw Sabrina standing there. She noticed the gingerhead eyeing her with suspicion, the grip on her book tight but she sensed no animosity so she’ll take that as a small win.

“I wanted to talk to Marcel.” Adrianne replied.

“About?” Sabrina asked.

“Just....y’know, talk.” Adrianne said, making vague gestures with her hand while rubbing the back of her neck.

“He’s not around so don’t bother.” Sabrina said with a shake of her head.

Adrianne frowned. “Where’d he go?”

“How should I know?” Sabrina shrugged.

“Is he out alone?” Adrianne pressed, feeling trickles of panic course through her veins at the notion that Marcel was alone out there in dangerous Gotham.

“What are you, his mom?” Sabrina snarked.

Adrianne grabbed her shoulders with more force than necessary, making her drop her book. Sabrina’s eyes widened as Adrianne’s face hovered inches from hers, her green eyes taking on a toxic green shade- it was just the lighting playing tricks, right?

“Sabrina, where is he?” Adrianne hissed- Sabrina could’ve sworn she heard a growl reverberating in the blonde’s throat.

“I don’t know!” Sabrina yelped.

“Oi! Hands off!”

Adrianne was yanked off Sabrina, the former blinked in surprise while the latter released a breath of relief. Standing protectively in front of Sabrina was a very ticked off Chris.

“What the hell were you doing to her?” Chris growled.

“I was just asking a question!” Adrianne huffed, crossing her arms and looking away.

“Well you ain’t gonna find answers here. C’mon, Brina. Let’s go.” Chris huffed, turning around.

“Wait!” Adrianne called. Chris turned around in acknowledgement at least. “Do you know where Marcel is?”

“He’s out.” Chris replied simply.

“Out where?” Adrianne specified.

“What’s it to ya?” Chris asked suspiciously.

“I’m worried for him. He’s my friend too, Chris.” She said.

Chris had his doubts on that last part.

Regarding the question at hand though, Chris had a sneaking suspicion that he did know where Marcel was. Then again, he was under no obligation to tell Adrianne.

“You have his number, why don’t you just call and ask?” he pointed out.

Adrianne froze, as though the thought hadn’t occurred to her. Her lips formed a realizing ‘oh’ and her cheeks flushed when the simple solution finally slapped her.

“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.” Chris sighed before leaving with Sabrina.

As soon as they were far away however, Chris whipped his own phone out.

Paris Monsieur in Gotham) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now