Chapter one - Iwa hates me.... doesn't he?

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It was a wonderful morning... at least so far that Rosa Y/N Maryland thinks so until morning practice came that's when things got different there was sudden tension the morning that there was practice which had Tooru coming straight to you without any questions on your mind.

"Tooru? Hey, what's the matter? Is something wrong?"

You asked him which he nodded as you saw small tears trying to escape from his doe brown eyes as you sighed.

"Iwa hates me.... doesn't he?"

Tooru asked which had everyone stopping with what they were previously doing and turned to Oikawa just to see tears escaping out of his eyes.

"You think Iwa hates you? How's that even possible Tooru, hmm?"

"Yeah he clearly hates me!!! It just is..."

Tooru said in reply back to you which you tried looking for answers of why he seems to think like that of Hajime hating Tooru so much.

When Lilian Fukushima gave you a nod as she went over to Oikawa to give him a wonderous smile on her face which Oikawa was still in tears.

"Tooru? He won't hate you if you'll just tell him of what's bothering you so bad. Just go to him and tell Haji why!! He needs to know why you're avoiding him of today!! Or he'll think worse.. which isn't now so don't worry!"

Lilian Fukushima told back to Tooru who was still too scared to even say that to Hajime who was talking to Matsukawa about asking Tooru out to prom which Matsukawa can tell how bad Hajime wants to do it.

"Yeah? I'm not telling him! No! ... I'm still not telling him."

"Tooru! He needs to know. Don't argue with me... please! You need to get through this... just tell him!"

"... Lilly... I-I can't! I can't tell him that I'm so in love with him!!!?"

Lilian heard Tooru say that to her with such passion that she can feel how upset he is about this whole entire thing when they heard Hanamaki teasing Hajime about his crush.

"S-See? He doesn't like me back.."

Tooru said as morning practice ended quickly than they all thought as Himari wanted to go confront her brother which both Rosa and Lilian went up to Hajime to ask him what's going on.

Lilian asked him about it all in Spanish which Hajime understands since his mother's side is half Spanish and his father's side is Hawaiian which is why he has his Hawaiian tatoos all on his back.

"¿Hajime? ¿Qué está sucediendo? Entre Tooru y tú... ¿cree que ahora lo odias? ¿Que es todo esto?"

"¿Mmm? ¡Nada! ¿Por qué? No pasa nada entre nosotros. ... oh... Sólo estoy planeando cosas."

"¿Cosas? ¿Que tipo de cosas? Espera... ¿estás haciendo lo que creo que se trata?"

"Bien... estoy pensando en pedirle que vaya conmigo al baile de graduación... ¡es vergonzoso, lo sé!"

"¡N-No! ¡No es vergonzoso Haji! ¡Lo harás genial! Prometo. Sólo... asegúrate de que esté bien. Él todavía piensa que lo odias."

When Hajime heard that he just sighed and nodded at Lilian's words which he understood as both girls left but Lilian was caught up by her boyfriend who got to her.

"Lilly, baby. Hey, where were you of too earlier?"

Matsukawa asked her which she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him while giving light kisses to him.

"Issei.. we need to help our lover boy. You know who I'm talking about!"

Lilian said with a light smile on her lips as he smiled back both looking at Hajime who's hopelessly staring at Tooru being hopelessly in love like he's been since the start and the first time the two met each other as new born babies.

Both Lilian and her boyfriend just hope that the asking goes well and that no terrible things will come to happen later on but they did see a smile on Tooru's face which only meant that Hajime made Tooru laugh or something.

The next morning at 1am

Tooru got to Iwa's house to be a crying mess which Mrs. Iwaizumi went to check on both boys of  what's happening just to come upon in her son's room to see Tooru trying to fall asleep while Hajime is playing with Tooru's hair making him to fall asleep in his arms.

Which Hajime's mother saw how sweet her son's being to Tooru when Mrs. Iwaizumi heard both Tooru's parents arguing [again] which Tooru keeps on crying about as Hajime looked up to see his mother staring at them in awe to see them cuddling.

"Mom? Tooru... he's getting nightmares again. His parents are arguing... his insomnia is coming back and we know that Tooru needs us!"

What Hajime wanted to say to his mother was I love him! His parents are awful he's having insomnia nightmares and his parents aren't supportive that he's got female parts his mother understood all of that with a supportive smile on her face.

When she pulled his bedroom door closed Tooru looked at Hajime as he pulled Tooru closer to him right on top of his chest which had Tooru looking at Hajime in awe while Hajime was holding Tooru's hand and whispered something in his ear.

Having Tooru to giggle a bit at what Hajime said to him in a whispered voice which had Tooru smiling at Hajime in such glee that made Hajime want to kiss him badly... he really want to kiss Tooru on his lips.

"Kawa? You okay? Hey, you've been super quiet after my mom came to check on us.. Is something wrong? Did something happen before you came here?"

"umm... m-maybe. sigh ... fine something did happen before I came over here to you.. uh... mom yelled at me this morning and I got upset and-"

That's when Tooru felt Hajime's arms around his waist all comfortable and cozy in Hajime's Godzilla hoodie while being held in a tight embrace by his childhood friend.

But Tooru just looked up at Hajime with those eyes of his that always made Hajime wanting to either decide on two choices that he wants to make them happen which is either kissing Tooru's beautiful lips or giving him that smile in return.

Which he decided to smile back at Tooru making Tooru to get closer to Hajime for more of him playing with his hair and even better he got a smile from Hajime a very adorned smile on his face having Tooru to let a yawn out.

"Getting sleepy now? Hmm, kawa?"

"Iwa.. were you mad at me earlier? When.. when I brought the topic of prom? I know that you already have a date.. she'll be your bride, right? And.. your omega? M-maybe.. you'll be bonded to her.. or even you'll get her pregnant. Even if that means that.. that I'll be on my own or even with someone that I don't care or love. Or even.. you might find someone who'll care about you enou-"

That's when Hajime gave Tooru a look a look that said did I ever want my omega to be a girl? Which got Tooru's eyes to water up and his lips wobbled as if it were an omega's instinct of him about to cry very soon.

"I'm not mad at you anymore. Sorry about that.. really? Kawa- Kawa.. hey! No, don't start thinking those thoughts! Sssh! Kawa, kawa! KAWA!! Listen to me, will you? I'm not going to have a bride and what makes you think that my dates a girl? Hmm, what if my dates my childhood friend? Hmm? Kawa, relax will you."

"Y-you have more than one childhood friend?.."

That didn't do the trick at all. Hajime was about to give up when he told Tooru that they should get some sleep and will talk about this tomorrow afternoon after practice and coming to his place to talk it over.

Which had Tooru a bit relaxed. Not much really. But it started wearing off slowly by slowly one step at a time and it was working very well that Hajime was smiling as his head was on Hajime's bare chest.

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