Chapter three - Prom night

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The next morning at school..

When both Hajime and Tooru got to morning practice to see the rest of their teammates all ready with the net and the trolley of volleyballs out then practice was started but none really realized that Hajime and Tooru are official as a couple.

"Lilian-san, is it just me or are they getting a lot closer than before?"

"Hmm? Oh! You mean Tooru-kun and Hajime-kun? Well yeah, they've been like this since they're childhood. But.. I think Issei had a way of getting them to be a couple now. Seems like you aren't the only one who realized, Y/n."

Lilian said with a smile which Y/n could hear how her Spanish rolled off her accent was sweet and shy which Y/n knew how much the Mexian and Spanish guys love it in a girl like that.

"Are you Spanish, Lilian-san?"

"Huh? Oh! You mean my accent? Hahah! Yeah, yeah I am Spanish. My mom's Argentinean and my dad's Canadian so yeah you could tell from my accent and how pure I am with my Spanish. Since Mi mamá me enseñó mucho cuando solo tenía dos años. Sé mucho español, pero fue así después de que conocí a Hajime-kun y Tooru-kun, ambos también hablan español."

Y/n smiled and nodded her head in agreement understanding only a little bit of what Lilian said in Spanish to Y/n.

Which Lilian could tell how much Hajime was busy flirting with Tooru in Spanish as Tooru kept on giggling and saying stuff like stoppp Haji!!! Enough! 0//////0 just making Tooru a flustered mess.

"What did Hajime-senpai say now to Oikawa-senpai?"

"Well you see Y/n that one was a bit 18+ for me to translate to you in English. I'll tell you that joke when you're older but with you being sixteen that's a no-no joke for you to learn. So I can't really translate that maybe next time y/n."

Lilian said with a smile as sge saw how the two were flirting the whole time during morning practice Hajime coming up with more dirty jokes in Spanish telling them to Tooru having the omega to get all flustered.

"Hajiii! Stop the jokes!"

"Pero Tooru mi amor, los amas a todos, solo tienes que admitir que te mojaste al escuchar mis chistes verdes, mi bebé."

"Y-yeah! A-and!? So what if I did."

"I'll make it up to you, later tonight in my room?"

Hajime asked which got Tooru to smiling again as he gave Hajime a kiss to his cheek and practice went on as normal.

Later on as all the classes were done there was no afternoon volleyball practice everyone went home to change into their prom outfits and to wait on their dates to take them to Aoba Johsai high.

But this year Tooru decided to wear his darkish blue dress that he wore to one of his aunts wedding that one time which everyone couldn't take their eyes off both the bride and her nephew that came to the wedding on Friday the 11th November.

This time it's different for Tooru since it's prom night which means everyone will be dancing with their partner at Aoba Johsai high when Tooru heard Hajime coming upstairs to his bedroom to see how gorgeous Tooru looks in his dress that he wore to one of his aunts wedding.

"Tooru... your so gorgeous. Shall we get going?"

Hajime asked which Tooru nodded as they walked out of the Iwaizumi residence.

To get there to Aoba Johsai high in time before they start with the dancing and announcing prom king and queen as everyone knows that'll be for iwaoi the power couple walking to Aoba Johsai high to see Mattsun and Lilian talking and laughing.

When they both noticed Hajime and Tooru holding hands as they spotted Mattsun and Lilian standing there as the four of them walked in to see the setup was ready and so was everything else for prom night as Sakura took notice of both Lilian and Tooru in their prom outfits.

She squealed and tried going to them as both Hajime and Mattsun got overprotective as they both let out a low growl which Hanamaki heard his girlfriend whimpering at the low growls from Hajime and Mattsun that she heard.

Which Hanamaki wanted to jump in to protect his girlfriend until he saw that she was hot and bothered by their growls being so sexy to her.

When Hanamaki saw how attached Y/n L/n is to her boyfriend from Karasuno none other than Tsukishima Kei they were dancing and she got a bit too tipsy with the punch she had and was all over on his lap.

Making out drunk words to him which he just laughed and held his girlfriend's hand in his giving it a few kisses a few times knowing that she'll be okay in a few more minutes.

As he realized that she was now walking over somewhere else which had him to go fetch his drunk girlfriend who was now crying as he opened his arms for her to bump in.

But Hanamaki is still mad at the fact his girlfriend thinks both Hajime and Mattsun's low growls were so hot that she was now making it clear to everyone that she's dripping wet which made all Alpha's and Omega's noses so sensitive.

Like they wanted to sneeze which both Lilian and Tooru did their cute squeak sneeze that made both their boyfriends to either blush from cuteness overload or to have the urge to kiss them both on their lips.

"Tooru? Disculpe, ¿fue un lindo estornudo lo que escuché? ¿Tooru? ¡Ángel mío, eso fue lo más lindo que jamás haya existido, bebé!"

"S-Shut up! So what Haji!"

After all the dancing some couples decided to take their leave and head back to their homes so that their girlfriends don't have to walk home drunk and let some older guy take advantage of their body and them ending up pregnant.

When Hajime and Tooru went back to Hajime's house to hear nothing but his sister moaning for some reason which had Hajime groaning at as the two of them went inside and Hajime locked the front door.

While Tooru went upstairs to Hajime's room to change when Himari Iwaizumi decided to walk in on Tooru changing he didn't scream but he just stood there almost in tears when Hajime came to see this.

"Himari.. ¿Qué crees que estás haciendo en mi habitación a las 11 de la noche, hmm?"

Himari Iwaizumi didn't know what to answer back to her eldest brother who glared at her in annoyance which Himari Iwaizumi never saw such a look on her brother's face ever.

Since this is a first for her to see such expression on his face after they got back from prom that went wonderfully well both Hajime and Tooru became this year's prom king and queen everyone smiled and clapped at the joy of expressions the two pulled that evening.

Now as Himari backed up slowly as to not disturb her parents sleep or to make her brother even more annoyed than he already is which she was about to leave when Hajime let out a low growl but Tooru was covering himself up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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