Chapter two - The talk..

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The next morning at school..

When morning practice had ended on well affairs then they got back into their school uniforms and headed to their classes while Y/N from Yahaba's class came looking for Oikawa to see him in tears.

Once again as she put her glasses back on and came to Oikawa in a slow but nice manner as she put her hand on his shoulder giving it a squeeze to let him know that Hajime is waiting gor him now.

"Oikawa, Hajime-kun is waiting for you. He asked me to go look for you. If you're still worried about who he's asking later. I can tell you?"

Y/N L/N transferred to Aoba Johsai high just a week ago but she got used to Aoba Johsai's different students some being Spanish, Latino, Italian and so many other Nationalities which she got used to.

Even when miss Maryland said that they're moving back to Italy herself and her mother which they all mumbled a we'll miss you but nothing as much when Y/N L/N met Lilian Fukushima who spoke Spanish, Latin, a bit of Italian, Japanese and English.

But she could translate some words from Hawaiian to English for those to understand who aren't Hawaiian at all but who're Japanese.

Later at lunch time Y/N L/N saw the boys volleyball club sitting together as she saw Lilian talking to Hajime in Spanish which Y/N understood only 20% of Spanish.

"¿Ya se lo dijiste?"

"Mmm, todavía no, Lilian. Se lo diré después de la práctica cuando regresemos a mi casa."

"Ah, ya veo. ¡Bueno! Ese es un buen comienzo."

That's when Y/N approached their table and sat next to Sakura Ito Hanamaki's girlfriend that she assumed she could be.

"Soo? Has anyone asked their dates out yet? Or have been asked out?"

Sakura asked them all with a bright smile and saw some looks were of embarrassment or of worrisome which Sakura didn't understand why they'd be so worried about their dates not wanting to go to prom with them.

"Me and Issei are going. He asked me this morning real sweet which is one of the many reasons why I love him."

Lilian said which she got a kiss from her boyfriend on her lips and soon that was interuppted when Kindaichi saw his girlfriend along with Kunimi and Watari's girls coming with Amina.

"Yuutaro! Mina and Arina are going with to prom as well! I over heard that Shigeru-kun is also coming with!! So is Tobio and Himari-kun and same with Sakura-chan. But I'm not sure about L/N-kun.. Y/N? Are you coming to prom? If so did your date ask you? Oh! And Hajime-san will be asking his special someone later on!!!"

That's when Kindaichi took hold of his girlfriend's hand and she followed to sit next to him as he whispered to not say who it is as she agreed with a nod of her head.

As the day went on like normal then came afternoon practice and things were a bit different than expected.. there was tension between Tooru and Hajime again which no one knew why there was.

"Iwaizumi? What's going on between you and Captain again? This is like the fifth time this week. What's happening? Why's he crying? Did you do someth-"

"No, I didn't do anything. He was on a call with his mom and she yelled at him again about forgetting to take the chicken out of the deep freeze which got him like that. He doesn't want my help so I can't really try comforting him he just keeps on pushing me away. I want to help... but he doesn't want my help."

"Oh.. sorry. Makki assumed you did all of that to him. He was ready to put you on spot so he needs to apologize to yo-"

"I don't need Hanamaki's apology he can keep that cheap ass apology to himself but I don't need it from him. Just tell him that. Or let his girlfriend do that job. I'll go to kawa real quick."

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