Zaira's pov

"Thanks Desiree. I wouldn't have finished planting the new seeds and take out the weeds for moms rose bush. Have you practice our secret call?" said a girl with brown hair wiping away the drip of sweat. "I did but why do we need one, Serena?" said Desiree. "If we ever get lost or something. We have to use the call to find each other. You don't know what might happen." said Serena shrugging as Star was playing with a leaf. The tiny kitten had it stuck in his teeth trying to get it out with his paws. The girls laughed as Star finally got it out and went back to playing in the piles of autumn leaves. Zaira laughed as well remembering the food she had with her and slowly stopped seeing the cracks forming beneath her. "Whats happening?" said Zaira as she looked down then heard screams. She lifted her head up to see a very large shadow with red glowing eyes hovering over all three of them. "You thought this was over! I'll be back for my revenge and tell everyone of who really are." said a booming voice then charged at Zaira. 

A scream from the sleeping woman woke up to a sitting position calming down her breathing and fast heart. She gave herself a moment finally relax and jumped as something touched her left shoulder. Looking over to turn on the lantern on her night table stood Dezu gestured if she was alright by rubbing her shoulder In semi circle. "I'm ok. Just a bad nightmare." said the woman getting out of her bed. Dezu watched her go the balcony looking out to the city and the desert. The door opened as the guards came in with their swords out. "Princess Zaira. Is everything alright?" said the round guard. "We heard a scream from the halls." said the skinny guard. "Everything is fine, Muhammad and Beni. Go back to what your doing." said Zaira looking the men. "Of course. Should we alert Razoul?" said Beni. "Its nothing. I just had a small nightmare is all. I cant distract him with something thats nonsense." said Zaira. "Alright." said Muhammad shoving Beni out of the room. Dezu crossed her talons facing Zaira tilting her 'head' at her. "I dont know. It's not that important but is it?" said Zaira. Dezu patted her back to make her relax. "I had a memory of my past. Where i was helping my friend Serena with her mothers garden then everything turned red, the ground began to break, and that shadow with red glowing eyes. I was shaking when he said he'll get revenge and expose the truth of who i was. What do i do?" said Zaira. 'Why not tell Jasmine? Or the Sultan. They might help you of what it means?' Dezu signed. "Maybe but Jasmine doesn't know about this. Only baba. Come on we should get back to sleep." said Zaira. Dezu nodded and covered Zaira when she layed down on her bed.

The next morning after breakfast as Everyone was leaving the room. Zaira cleared her throat getting the Sultans attention from reading of his letters. "Baba, i need to talk to you about something." said Zaira. "Of course dearest. Let go the throne room." said The Sultan. "Actually alone. Its about my . . . " She stopped as Jasmine was watching them curiously. "Oh i see. Lets go to Aladdin's room. I'm sure he wont mind while he's gone." said the Sultan quietly. Zaira followed while making sure no one was around and opened the door for the sultan. "Now what is it?" said the Sultan sitting on the bed. "Last night i had a nighmare about this shadowy being exposing my secret and getting revenge." said Zaira facing him. "It must not mean anything. No one else besides me and your mother knows of where we found you. I havent told Jasmine about this because of how will she will react. I dont want you two to get hurt. But lets just keep this between us." said the Sultan. "Baba, i told about it too last year. I'll make sure doesn't say a word unless i say its ok." said Zaira. "Very well. You should go. I have some special arrangements for Aladdin." said the Sultan. "Like what?" said Zaira. "Don't tell but I'm making Aladdin my grand Visor." said the sultan. "I'm sure he'll be surprised. Anyways I'm going to the city to get my mind cleared." said Zaira opwni f the door. "Be careful." said the sultan passing her. "Baba, I'm engaged with Razoul. I'll be fine." Said Zaira closing the door. The sultan went down the hall towards the throne room looking at the letters. Zaira watch him go and headed off to her room to change. She walked in seeing Jasmine looking at her stuff and faced her. "Jazi, you need something?" said Zaira going to her closet. "I was wondering about what you and father were talking about." said Jasmine. "Oh i was asking him about what will we be having for dinner when Aladdin gets back today." said Zaira coming out with her purple outfit and her head covering in her arms. "Your not hiding anything are you?" said Jasmine following her to the balcony with Dezu.

She looked at the carpet who had her talons on where her hips should be facing Zaira putting on her head covering. "Look i has told baba about a nightmare last night. He said it was nothing. I'll be right back." said Zaira letting herself fall over the railing as Dezu flew down to catch her. "We aren't done talking about this!" said Jasmine as they flew over the palace walls. Dezu let Zaira down in the empty alley and left somewhere so no one would see her. Zaira walked around the market place seeing the people getting their things and heard an argue ment. She looked to see the merchant yelling at Ravi and Lily making her way to them. Clearing her throat getting the merchants attention including lily who smiled at her. "What is going on here?" said Zaira holding lily up. "He was trying to steal my fruit when i told him that he didn't have my coins to pay." said the merchant. "I wasn't stealing one of your oranges fell off the shelf so i picked up and put it back." said Ravi. "Liar! Go before i cut you two." said the merchant as Zaira tossed him a few gold coins. "Watch your tone. Be lucky my fiancee wasn't here." said Zaira grabbing the bag pf fruit. "Zaira, what are you doing here?" said Razoul. "I just needed to clear my head." said Zaira then heard a fight going on from around the corner of the market place. "Ravi go with your cousin." said Zaira putting her down once Razoul spoke to the merchant. Ravi nodded walking home with Lily holding his hand. Zaira rushed over to see Abismal and his men making her groan annoyed. She took off her covering and used it as a whip to wrapped it around the muscular man's leg making him fall when he was going sneak up on Aladdin. "You should've given me a head start on this fight." said Zaira before using her dagger to cut the rope of the clothes line hanging above Abismal. Abismal struggled to get the sheet off as Zaira signals Dezu to get the Guards.

"Look out!" said aladdin as Zaira was slammed into the wall. She stopped her heel on her capture's foot and head butt them then lastly a swing to the jaw knocking him out. Aladdin smiled before sending Abismal back to his men landing on a cart full of eggs. "Jaquel, Xanu. Get those men to the dungeon." said Razoul with his two men. One of the thieves grabbed the reigns and drove the cart out of the city before Razoul could get them. "Get them! Are you alright, Zaira?" said Razoul looking at her. "Im fine just hit harder than i thought." said Zaira shaking her right hand. "That's my girl. I better get going and I'm watching you street rat." said Razoul then kissed Zaira before he followed his men. "So what you done this time to have idiots go after you?" Said Zaira walking beside Aladdin. "You know steal their treasure and give to the people of Agrabah." Said Aladdin as Zaira pulled out a piece from his vest. "Then what is the jeweler flower doing in your pocket?" Said Zaira as Aladdin took it back. "It's for Jasmine. To make up the time that I was away. So how are you doing with your 'husband'?" Said Aladdin putting the flower away. "Fine. He's been helping me out with my fighting and sword practice. That way I have the guards watching me all the time." Said Zaira then a very faint noise. She turned around to find no one closed to them as Aladdin stopped to look at her. "What?" Said Aladdin. "I thought I heard . . . singing. Nevermind I haven't been able to get enough sleep last night." Said Zaira. "How come? A nightmare?" Said Aladdin as she caught up to him. "Nightmare obviously. I just think that something is going to happen. But I'm not sure." Said Zaira. "It can't be that bad." Said Aladdin. "I dreamt that something dark attacked me and someone I know." Said Zaira. "Have you told Jasmine or the sultan?" Said Aladdin. "Just the Sultan." Said Zaira as Dezu tackled Aladdin to the ground. "Dezu, it's good to see you too. Look I should go meet up Jasmine. You coming?" Said Aladdin as carpet came. Zaira was about say something heard the noise again and looked to find no one near by. "I'll catch up with you later." Said Zaira as Dezu stood next to her. "Ok. See you then." Said Aladdin hopping onto carpet and flew towards the palace. Zaira turned to see Dezu still standing talons on the middle tapping her bottom 'foot' waiting for something. "What? I thought I heard someone singing. Tell me you heard it too." Said Zaira. Dezu shook a 'no' then did a crazy gesture making Zaira playfully push her to the see and went to the source of the noise.

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