A/n: So I'll be doing a few episodes of Aladdin the series. Let me know which ones i should do.

Desiree hasn't been getting anymore nightmares or heard the singing for the past month. Abu peeked his head inside her from the balcony seeing that she's sound asleep in her bed. He swung his body to thr curtains hanging above thr ceiling and landed on her feet of the bed crawling towards her face. "Ello. Zaira." said Abu shaking her shoulders. Desiree stirred and saw Abu in front of her malong her smile. "Morning Abu. Where's aladdin?" Said Desiree sitting up rubbing her eyes. Abu gestured her to follow him as she got out of bed and went to change. "Alright. im coming. Let me guess Aladdin wanted me to join him into the city again huh?" Said Desiree sitting by her dresser. Abu went over to her and grabbed her hand that didn't have the brush tagging her a bit. "Ok. Ok. Fine but you better hope I don't have to go through enough tangles today." Said Desiree putting Abu on her right shoulder. She walked out of the palace gates to see Aladdin eating on an apple while his back was on the wall. "Looks like someone got enough sleep. Anything new?" Sais Aladdin. "No. So how come Abu had to be inpatient with me?" Said Desiree. As they walked. "We wanted to be sure you doing ok. You know with the voices and the nightmares." Said Aladdin tossing the half eaten apple back and forth in his hands. "Nothing so far but after seeing Serena. I guess that all stopped." Said Desiree snatching the apple from him. "I'm glad. Ravi and Lily wanted to talk to you about riding Dezu." Said Aladdin as Desiree ate. "I would have talk to Lily's mother on that." Said Desiree as Abu jumped down and ran off somewhere. "Come on. It's just one ride." Said Aladdin as Iago flew to them. "Still I need to make sure they're safe after all they are like us before you met Jazi." Said Desiree as Iago landed on her shoulder. "But you were raised in gold while he didn't." Said Iago. "It dosnt change anything." Said Desiree then heard a giggle behind them.

"Zaira. Aladdin." Said Lily running to Aladdin's arms. She laughed as Desiree tickled her sides and wrapped her arms around Aladdin's neck. "Wheres Ravi?" Said Desiree. "Here. I told her to wait for me." Said Ravi jogging to Desiree. "Have you asked your Aunt about riding Dezu?" Said Desiree as Ravi nodded. "Ok but for safety reasons. Dezu is in charge so you both have to listen to her." Said Desiree. "Ok but can we get something to eat." Said Lily. Desiree smiled and took her in her arms and walked with Ravi. "I'll be looking for Abu to make sure he didn't get in trouble again." Said Aladdin as Iago went with him. Desiree went over to the foods market and saw Dezu laying herself on the edge of the roof above a nuts and seeds stand. Lily gt down as Ravi asked for a bag of pistachios while Desiree watched in the distance. "What have the two done this time?" Said Razoul after pecking Desiree on her cheek. "Nothing. They just wanted to ride Dezu. And you haven't arrested anyone?" Said Desiree. "None so far. But I thought you would be able to join me for dinner at the cities bonfire." Said Razoul. "I'll go if I'm not busy." Said Desiree as Dezu flew down.

She gently pushed her shoulder as Lily held Ravi's hand walking towards them. "Are we disturbing you?" Said Ravi. "No. Dezu can you give these to a ride around the city." Said Desiree. 'I highly doubt that Ravi would want that. He wants to head back to Abismal like last time.' Dezu signs and crossed her talons. "If that's where they're going then I better come with." Said Desiree as Dezu formed half her body into steps. "Where exactly?" Said Razoul grabbing her hand. "I'll explain later." Said Desiree leaned in to kiss him. Dezu zoomed out of the city and hide in the clouds above the sands below them. Lily put her in the clouds feeling the cool mist then held on to Dezu doing loops. Desiree looked at the view before them and suddenly felt a strong wind blow them back for her fall off while Ravi and Lily had a good trip onto Dezu. She watched as the ground was getting closer by the second as she crossed her arms over her face then felt like something caught her sliding down to the sand. "Huh? What just?" Said Desiree checking herself and looked behind her to see the sand formed a very tall hill with a dent where she slid. Approaching the structure with her hand out the structure suddenly fell apart as Desiree barely layed a finger on it. "Zaira are you ok?" said Ravi jumping down to her. "Im fine. But what about you three?" Said Desiree. "We're ok. But should we keep going or you want to head back?" Said Ravi as Dezu picked them up. "Let just be more cautious in case the wind picks up like that again." Said Desiree as Dezu flew by the canyon and landed on the ruin of a palace. "Lily stay here with Dezu. We'll be right back." Said Desiree before she and Ravi went inside.

Desiree quietly looked around the rooms to her left as Ravi checked the others and heard voices. He looked to see Abismal talking to his main henchmen coming at their direction. Zaira heard them too and took Ravi I to the nearest room where Abismal was going into. "Why didn't you tell me that thing hasn't eaten? We need this alive fr my plan." Said Abismal seeing nothing but a large cage holding a giant baby bird. He poured the bag of seeds into the bowl and shoved it into the food opening. "I am not responsible for the animal. You said it yourself once you took it from its nest." Said the man. "Oh right but once I get all the treasure from Agrabah. I'll be more richer than the sultan and get Zaira back right?" Said Abismal then kicked the cage as the bird cried. "Shut up. Come on before I go deaf." He says closing the door and locked it. Zaira popped her out of the barrel of seeds as Ravi gt out of the empty piles of sacks in the corner. She sighed in relief and got out dusting herself clean before going over to the animal. The bird slowly backed away in fear seeing her and Ravi. "Shhh. It's okay. We're not going to hurt you." Said Desiree petting it's claw. Ravi looked at the look and pulled out a tool and started picking it. The bird leaned down as Desiree comfort it as Ravi opened the door and checked if the coast was clear. "We have to go by j promise you that you will go back to your mother." Said Desiree stroking it's beak then left. Ravi found the treasure room and grabbed a few bag that he could hide as Desiree made sure no one was around once Ravi got what he needed. They rushed to the girls and went back to Agrabah without being seen. "You sure you want to go back?" Said Ravi. "If Abismal wanted that bird alive then it means Agrabah is in deep trouble. We need to tell Aladdin about this." Said Desiree as they landed near the ruined market. Desiree placed Lily on her right hip as the four looked around the damages. "What did all this?" Said Desiree. "The wind demons that's for sure." Said Razoul approaching them while fixing his hat. "Wind Demons? Are you sure? We never saw anything when we flew over the sands." Said Desiree. "Well looks to me that Aladdin would have to hand over his monkey friend after all." Said Razoul. Ravi looked over at Desiree knowing that she was stressed by the news and took Lily home leaving them alone.

"What do you mean by that?" Said Desiree. "Aladdin claims that the wind demons are thieves so he may a bet that if he didn't get proof then Abu belongs to us to deliver fresh dates." Said Razoul. "My Allah. I really don't need this. I'll see you tonight. Come on Dezu." Said Desiree. Hours gone by as Desiree looked through every book on birds and mythic animals to find nothing. Dezu put her book down as Jasmine past the library find Desiree putting the stack off books away. "What's all this?" Said Jasmine as Dezu showed her the book she read. "You've been reading about birds? Why all of a sudden?" Said Jasmine. "Because the City was attacked by these wind demons as Razoul calls it. But I know it was Abismal and his men. I joined Ravi and Lily to ride Dezu before it happened. We were knocked by the strong winds and kept going until me Ravi found a room where a giant baby bird was held in." Said Desiree. "But what has it to do with the strong winds?" Said Jasmine. "I don't know but Abismal said he had plans on taking the treasure of Agrabah. And I found nothing to help me." Said Desiree tripping the book just a bit. Jasmine took it from her when touched her shoulder to calm her down. "Why don't you go and clear your head? I'll help put the rest of these books away." Said Jasmine. "Fine and maybe I'll be able to talk to Aladdin if he knows anything." Said Desiree going to her room to refresh herself. Desiree finished drying her hair from the relaxing bath and changed into a light red and white dress with slightly puffed pants. She walked out to the city with Dezu and went to the canyon where Aladdin should be. There in a distance she saw him, Genie, Abu, and Iago getting ready to leave the area until carpet spotted them. "Good your here. I have to tell you something." Said Desiree as Dezu floated next to the group. "Does this have to do with the bet?"Said Aladdin. "I heard but look I know who was behind this and found a way to stop it." Said Desiree. "You know that it was Abismal." Said Aladdin. "Of course and he's using this baby bird to do it but I don't know how." Said Desiree. "He's been using the feathers to control the wind. Come on I have an idea." Said Aladdin jumping on carpet and headed to Abismal's hideout.

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