Jasmine walked all over the palace looking for Desiree. She asked the guards where she could be but they didn't know or Aladdin. "Where could she have gone?" Said Jasmine going back to check her room. Opening the door to see no one but Star waking up from her nap. "Hello Star. How you seen Zaira?" Said Jasmine as the cat rubbed her body against her leg. Star meowed at her then walked to the closet pawing at the back wall. Jasmine went in looking around the clothes and saw some sand on the wall Star was pawing at. Feeling around she pressed a loose stone opening the secret door leading downstairs. Jasmine followed Star slowly and began to hear Desiree talking. "Jasmine? Star? What are you two doing here?" Said Desiree closing her book and got up from her pillow near the falls. "I was looking for you everywhere. What is this place?" Said Jasmine looking at the plants growing and the small water fall. "Its my secret garden. I come to relax or read. Why were you looking for me? I told you and Razoul that I was fine from the fall days ago." Said Desiree. "I know but you always disappear and i wanted to go out with my big sister." Said Jasmine looking at the stack of new books on the branches from the strangely large rose tree. "Wont hurt to spend time with you. I was too caught on these books." Said Desiree placing her book with the others. "Maybe i can read them with you. Could be interesting like this plant here. Never seen anything like it." Said Jasmine looking at it. "I know it was the same rose bush when Genie gave it to me but i guess this might be entirely different." Said Desiree as Star climbed on it. "Well if we are going then I'll get covered up." Said Jasmine walking upstairs. "I guess reading these old spell books are a little too much huh?" Said Desiree as Star sniffed then let out a sneeze. She shook her head before jumping onto her shoulders rubbing her head against her temple.

"Alright you can come just dont leave our side." said Desiree leaving her garden. She closed the door and grabbed her shawl to cover her head and Star snuggling into her neck. "Comfy? Lets go." Said Desiree closing the door. She met with Jasmine by the gate walking along side her. "So i was wondering. Who were you talking to?" Said Jasmine looking at her. "To be honest it was the book that i found when i fell. It told me that it can reveal the truth about my real family and figure how am i able to move the sand or connected to the sands. Its all too confusing from my readings." Said Desiree. "Moving the sand? Like magic?" Said Jasmine. "I know it sounds off but when i was falling from the sand tornado. I just reached my hands out and the sand started coming to life and caught me." Said Desiree. "Sounds to me that your gifted. What have you found from the book? Does it only talk to you?" Said Jasmine. "I'll tell you everything if the book can allow me to." Said Desiree. "If thats their choice then its okay with me." Said Jasmine. "Now thats out of the way. What kind of wedding are you and Aladdin planning?" Said Desiree. "I was hoping for you and Razoul to be married first unless you both want to do a double wedding." Said Jasmine. "I would have to talk to Razoul on that. He is the captain of the guards." Said Desiree feeling Star get off her shoulder landing on the ground. She let her explore the city while the girls talked about their wedding ideas for hours until they got back to the palace. By the time Desiree reached her room the wind began to pick up and went to her balcony to see the sand storm coming. "Wind Demons. Everyone inside now!" Razoul shouted from the city. Desiree looked at her hands and breathed before taking a step back then run off the balcony. She waved her right out for the sand from the storm to catch her fall and slide on the roof of the tall buildings.

Razoul took cover holding his sword looki g around spotting Desiree jumping onto the roofs towards the storm. He growled in frustration before following her until she jumped down in front of the direction of the tornados. The three tornadoes stopped revealing itself to be Abismal and his men. "People of Agrabah. Were here to rob you for your gold and other valuables." Said Abismal. "Not under my watch." Saod Desiree. "And mine." Saod Razoul standing next to her. "So be it. Men. Feathers." Said Abismal waving the feathers at them. The wind blew hard on Desiree and Razoul pushing the back a little. "Razoul. Hold on." Saod Desiree. She felt him pulling her to his chest for protection then used her hands to create a wall around them pushing it away. "How did you that?" Said Razoul seeing the wind died down and no sign of Abismal and his men. "I'll explain later. Lets just stop those thieves until Aladdin comes with the bird." Said Desiree then punched one of the tornadoes. She saw one of the men fall into the fish stand and grabbed the golden feather he dropped. With a practice shes been doing Desiree created made a staff and joined Razoul to fight the thieves off. Soon enough Aladdin came with thr baby bird riding on its mother's back. Desiree quickly dragged Razoul to a empty home just as the mother created a huge sandstorm finishing sending off the thieves far away somewhere in the desert. They both gotten out going towards Aladdin and Abu whp smiled at thr guards. "Looks to me. You boys lost." Said Desiree as Abu jumped on her shoulder screeching happily. "You two have fun while Razoul and i to go talk inside." Said Desiree. Razoul looked down at her before glancing towards Aladdin and his men as Desiree walked away. He followed her to the palace into the secret garden that he never seen before. "I know you are not going to believe me with everything going on in Agrabah. But theres a chance that im a descendant of an ancient Sand Sorcerers. Which why i did the sand magic during the fight." Said Desiree. Razoul listened while he was looking at the small garden turning away smiling at her and kissed her sweetly. "This doesnt change what we have together. You're still my strong girl." Said Razoul as Genie was calling them.

A Change in AgrabahWhere stories live. Discover now