10: Meet My Good Pal! . . . Who is Always Late To Everything

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Okay, sooooo . . . What did you think of the last chapter? Really entertaining right? Lots of plot and personality and things.

But in all seriousness(who am I kidding right now?) here is an actual chapter!

Jason POV


First, they take Nico, Percy and I out of history(believe it or not my favorite subject). Then they refuse to answer what their name is. And then they knock out Percy and pull the fire alarm.

Ah, yes. The normal life of a 16 year old boy(*cough* who may or not have a giant crush on my best-friend cough*).

Wait, where were we? Oh, right, that brat just pulled the fire alarm after knocking out Percy. Wait, why are they turning towards me? AH FUCK-


I am so fucking confused right now.

"So, you thought you could disguise yourself as a normal student at this school?" I hear the student ask, from under their hood(not very stylish, to be honest. Like, if you're ugly, just say that).

I blink innocently.

"What do you mean?"

I can practically hear them roll their eyes. "I'm not stupid, Ghost King."

"Oh my god, you found out my identity? You must be a detective! It's not like I still have my unique sense of humor and amazing personality as both Ghost King and me. Oh my god, you're so smart!" I stare at the gym door behind them and pull on my Ghost King mask.

"What are you looking at?" they ask. They sound genuinely curious; clearly they've never seen a single one of my battles.

"Ah, so, normally this is the part where my good pal bursts through that door," I point to the gym door, "while screaming 'you shall cower in my presence!' Then we team up on you, tie you up, and wait for somebody who cares to come and pick you up and take you home to your mummy or daddy."

They're silent for a few seconds. Yup, there's no way they've ever seen one of my fights. A few more seconds of silence pass, and I start tapping my foot.

"Urgh, where is this girl?"

They cross their arms. "You realize I just knocked out your two little besties here, right? Are you not gonna do anything to try to stop me?"

I shrug. "Not much I can do to stop you without my pal."

Suddenly, they fall over for no apparent reason.

"Oh, there she is! Meet my good pal Moonshine!"

A girl with jet black hair poking out from beneath her silver mask shimmers into existence behind where the student - wait, were they even a student? Or did they just come here to annoy the shit out of me? - was standing.

"Dammit, am I late to the party again?" She asks, gesturing to my unconscious friends. I shrug. "Urgh!" She crosses her arms angrily - at least I assume it's angry and not bored or something; impossibly to tell with her. "Why do you get all the attention while I just exist in the back? I mean, this kid didn't even know I existed! What's the point of spending an hour coming up with a superhero name when nobody even knows I exist?"

"So . . . In other words, you were here the entire time?" She nods. "And didn't think of helping me sooner even though the school can use the security cameras and realize who I am?"

"Bleh," she moans. "You're soo boring."

"I'm not boring! I just think things through! Unlike you-"

The student on the floor sweeps their leg under both of us and knocks us onto the cold, hard floor.

"Oww," I groan. As if my bruises ain't already making me want to tear off my limbs.

I hear Moon grunt in agreement.

"Dummies," the student, who is now standing above us and dusting themselves off (and who somehow managed not to lose their hood through all of this), says. "You two were too busy bickering - adorable, by the way - to actually defeat me. Well, now it will cost you."

"'NoW iT WilL cOSt yOU.' Do you hear this shit, Ghost?" Moon asks, sitting up and crossing her legs beneth her. "How stupid would we have to be to not have backup?"

"I don't know, to be honest. But I would probably want to die if I was that stupid," I shrug. Fuck, I think I fell on my hand funny! "Oh wait. Whoops, sorry bud, forgot you were still standing their stupidly instead of using your 2 braincells to leave."

The student chuckles. "And what are you two going to do to stop me?" They ask after pulling out a . . . WAIT IS A THAT A DAGGER!? Urgh, I'm jealous. "Not like you two can dodge my killer aim."

But suddenly the dagger gets yanked out of their hand by an invisible force and is at their throat.

"Oh, hey Astry."

"For the last time, Ghostie, don't call me 'Astry'. My name is Astral Star. See, Moon? This is why I get mad when you drag me off from school like that! Ghostie here messes up my name everytime!"

"Says the one calling me 'Ghostie' everytime you see me," I retort. "Besides, what kind of a name is 'Astral Star' anyway? It just sounds like you wanna be an astronaut when you grow up even though you have fucking powers!"

"Uh guys-"

"Oh, and remind me again, Ghostie, what are said powers? Oh, that's right! I can-"

She drops to the floor, unconscious.



P.S. what do you think of Moonshine and Astral Star? And what are your thoughts on Astral Star and Ghost King's relationship?

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