1. Tea Time

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Request by: _Fanfiction_fanatic_


He sat with Rosie, his usual smile gracing his face as he conversed with her during their usual 11am tea time. The delicate porcelain in his hands as he held out a pinkie laughing along with her conversation.

It has been a long week at the hotel and Alastor was just happy to get away from Charlie and her bubbly energy but, she WAS growing on him. He hated to admit it but he often found himself looking at her fondly, like one might look at a friend, but sometimes she could be a bit much with her optimistic attitude and seemingly never ended energy as she dragged him into activity after activity.

"Rosie, dear" he says with genuine happiness "I always enjoy your tea, I can't say you've ever made a bad cup"
"Oh, Alastor, Darling. You're too much, you're going to make me blush" she respond to him with a wave of her hand and covering her face.
"Well, how can I not compliment you when you make tea so well?" He picks up his teacup and takes another sip.

It was nice seeing Rosie again, they hadn't had the time to catch up during the week with how the hotel was taking all of Alastor's time and attention. He hadn't had a waking moment to himself, not even to…

He shakes the thought away, he shouldn't be thinking about that right now with Rosie sat with him. He should be focused on his best friend as he continues to converse with her, and as if she could read his thoughts she speaks up.

"How are things as the hotel Alastor?"
Alastor chuckles "Well, you'd be surprised with how busy I am considering we only have two residents."
"Really? And after that fight with all the exorcists?"
"Alastor, rebuilt and ready to host!" He responds with enthusiasm, the sadistic side of him just wanting to see more sinners fail.

The mention of the fight… it stressed him out and anxiety rose in his chest and with that anxiety came that nice, fuzzy feeling that he tried oh so hard to push away, but he just couldn't do it.

His smile faltered a little as he began to fiddle with his fingers, Rosie picked up on these habits extremely quickly.

"Oh Alastor..." She says with her soothing, motherly tone.

He looks up at her like a, pardon the pun, deer in headlights as he quickly stops fiddling with his fingers.

"Is my baby faun feeling little?" She asks as she kneels down in front of him.
He keeps his smile as he responds in a small voice pitched slightly higher than his usual register as his ears flick "yes…"
Rosie smiles warmly "Well, do you know what I think? I think we should go inside, wrap you up in a onesie, give you a paci and read you a story. How does that sound?"
"Otay..." His voice is quiet but he does like the sound of that as Rosie carefully lifts him, surprisingly easily considering Alastor is taller than her.

When they get back to Rosie's house, she opens the front door with a toddler Alastor on her hip and gently places him down on the soft sofa.

"Now, I'm going to get my Baby Faun his onesie and his paci, okay?"

Alastor nods as he goes to suck his thumb but Rosie gently guides it away from his mouth

"No, Baby. That's icky, okay?" Her tone is gentle "Mama Rosie will get you a paci, okay baby?"

Alastor whines as Rosie disappears, a habit he only had when he's little and is incredibly ashamed of when he's big, no matter how many times Rosie gushes over how cute it is.

He watches as she walks back into the room holding a onesie and a pacifier just like she said she would.

"Do you want me to change you, Darling?"

He shakes his head and reaches out for the onesie and she gives it to him.

His first obstacle is his coat, he struggles to pull it off and eventually manage. Then his shirt, but he quickly gets stuck, he whines and gets visibly frustrated before Rosie steps forward.

"Let me." She smiles at him and undoes his buttons and helps him to get undressed before getting him into his onesie and zipping it up, this particular onesie has holes for his ears and antlers so he pulls it up over his head.

Rosie then holds out the paci as he takes it in his mouth
"You're so sweet when you're like this, I could just eat you up!"
He squeezed his cheek to emphasise the point at which Alastor giggles happily, once again smiling genuinely instead of the resting one he normally wore, this warms Rosie's heart to see him genuinely happy.

She picks him up again, resting him on her hip as she walks him to her bedroom decorated in a muted red.

She walks over to her bookshelf
"Okay, Baby pick whichever book you would like."

Alastor carefully examines the books on the shelf, thinking over the big decision before he reaches out and slowly picks up a book from the shelf and looks over the cover for a little bit before he looks back up at Rosie's smiling face and sheepishly hold up 'Where the Wild things are'

She smiles even wider and cuddles him even closer

"Good choice baby!" He coos at him, booping his nose.

He smiles from being his paci as she walks the two of them over to the bed and settles Alastor down on her lap and he makes himself comfy, curling in on himself and resting his head on her chest.

As she begins to read Alastor feels his eyes droop shut and he tries to fight off the sleepiness, wanting to hear the end of the story and if the main character gets back to his home, unfortunately he can't fight off sleep and falls asleep halfway through.

Rosie stops reading when she notices this and turns off the light, and shifts herself to be lying down with Alastor still on her chest.

A/N - First published fanfic, hope you like it.
I'll also be writing a CG!Huskerdust Little!Alastor one with overlord Husk owning Alastor's soul. I saw fanart of this AU and it's been my Roman empire ever since

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