4. Please go to sleep

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Requested by Littlelambsnursery
CG! Charlie
Charlie bounced the ever crying Alastor on her hip as she desperately tried to shush him, yes he was nearly a foot taller but she was the princess of hell so strength wise it balances out.

She knew he was young, probably a baby right now, and she knew he was probably hurting his throat with just how loud he was crying, his head tucked into her shoulder and she stroked his hair reassuringly.

She was desperate, on the verge of tears herself with helplessness. She was at a loss of how to get him to sleep as she had tried everything, but she just couldn't get him to sleep. She knew he was cranky. She knew he needed sleep but for some reason he just wouldn't go down for a nap no matter what it how hard she tried.

"Please go to sleep…" she murmured, feeling the exhaustion overtake her.

Her fingers continued to thread through his hair as she decided to sit down at the very least.

When she'd given him his pacifier that seemed to work for a little bit before he decided it was the wrong one and she couldn't find whichever the 'right' one was, he'd claimed the 'right' one had something to do with Rosie on it, maybe her name or some decal - who knows?! All she knew is that he'd only regressed younger when she broke the news that she couldn't find it which only made it more difficult.

She had attempted to feed him a warm bottle when she realised just how young he'd gotten but he'd turned his head away and when Charlie became more insistent on feeding it to him, that's when he began to cry. She tried him with solid foods, thinking maybe he was as young in his headspace but it soon became apparent from the way he looked confused at his food that he was indeed regressed to a baby. She had sighed and decided to just put it away for later when he was a little older.

Then came the baby mobile which he now seemed to find absolutely terrifying for some reason which was contradictory on several aspects, including the fact he used to love it and would stare up at his for hours on end and reach out to the spinning toys on the end of the string. Instead he had stared to cry even harder begging 'Momma' to take him away from it, Charlie's heart broke a little at this and she felt guilty for scaring him even though she had no idea he'd have this reaction to a previously beloved item.

She put Alastor in front of his toy box and pulled out his plethora of books and laid them all out in front of him so he could pick one for her to read, instead he looked at her with confusion, clearly being younger than when she tried the baby mobile, sighing she picked up a book and smiled warmly at him, 'Goldilocks and the three bears' it read on the cover, however when she began to read it he hit it out of her hands, which she did gently scold him for but instead he dissolved into tears again…

… Tears that he was still crying several hours later.

"Please, please, stop crying, Al…" she mutters quietly and kisses the top of his head.

For a moment he stopd crying and looks up at her with wet, but no longer crying eyes, and she dares to hope, smiling at him before he starts to cry all over again, louder than before and her face drops.

"I don't know what you want…" she begs helplessly

Alastor just cries as she speaks, too young in littlespace to communicate what he really needs, instead babbling that vaguely sounds like a 'Momma' at her, but she can't be sure what he's saying exactly.

She sighs and gives him a weary smile.

"I think it's time I ask for help with you, huh?" She asks and she pulls him up higher on her hip and goes to look for Vaggie. She was always good with kids so surely she'd be able to help her with this.

She finds her lecturing Angel Dust about drinking 'on the job' or something to that affect as Angel responds with a snarky "what job? I don't work here, I just live here!"

"Vaggie? Can you help me with Al? I can't get him down to sleep" she asks with a tired smile and Vaggie's attention immediately turns to her as she rushes over and takes Alastor from Charlie, which she struggles to do as she's nowhere near as strong. But she still manages, however the shift causes Alastor to cry even more after he'd already quietened down ever so slightly.

"What's up with smiles?" Angel asks
"Oh, he's just a little cranky is all…" Charlie responds with a tired tone "and I can't get him to sleep which means he's only getting even more cranky and- ugh…" she puts her face in her hands when she feels Vaggie hold her arm gently
"That's why I'm here to help you, I'm good with kids. Sure I can get Alastor to settle down…"
"How old's he right now anyways? Ain't he normally like toddlers age when he's like this anyway?"
"I think he's a baby?" Charlie responds "but you're right, he doesn't normally get this young. I don't know why he's so little right now anyways!"
"Woah, Charlie, breathe…" Vaggie watches as Charlie takes in a breath "you go to bed and I'll take it from here, okay?"

Charlie nods and Vaggie watches her walk all the way to their shared bedroom to make sure she does just that.

She bounces Alastor on her hip and bids farewell to Angel as she takes Alastor down to the lobby and places him on her lap and hums a small tune and this, FINALLY, gets him to quieten down and eventually fall asleep. She takes him back to his nursery and lays him down in his crib as she quietly leaves the room.

A/N: Sorry this took so long, my phone broke and it was unusable but I am ✨back✨

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