Chapter Seven

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I stood to the side of the airport baggage claim while Kyley called the closest thing to a friend he had in Jersey to come get us. We were going to be staying the night with the boy who lived next to my fiancée while he was up here for all those years and leaving in the morning with the brat to head back to Colorado. Caleb was a college boy Kyley would blow off steam with after being expelled so many times. He was tall, broad, and not very pleasant to look at. He was blind in his lazy eye giving him a creepy feel, his teeth crooked, rotting and thickly coated in plaque, and his hair was heavy with grease, grime, and gel. He dressed in a tight white tee with the sleeves ripped off and a pair of designer, skin tight and ripped up black jeans and top tier name brand shoes polished and cleaned daily from the look of them. A gold chain hung around his neck and rings glistened from his fingers. An expensive watch wrapped around his left wrist. I could tell I wasn't going to like him when he pulled up in a flashy, bright yellow sports car with modified engine and sound system demanding everyone's attention as he flashed around his money and treated people like trash. Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I moved to stand beside Kyley. The man looked at me and curled his lip in disgust. "Kyley-B, yous and you's man are gonna have to amp up ya style if you's ridin' with me."

"Cale, shut the fuck up and drive. I gots a brat to pick up," Kyley snapped.

"Watch it, bro," Caleb narrowed his eyes at my fiancée. "Don't wanna knock you's out in front of your bitch."

"Hey," I yawned as he glared at me. "Threaten my man again and I'll hit you so hard you speak proper English and dress like a normal human being. You don't pull off the angry Jersey heart throb like Kyley does. You're more like a yipping bitch dog, fucking conformist."

"The fuck you say to me, you fashion disaster?"

"I said fuck you, fucking troll faced Jersey reject."

"Raven, babe, that's really fucking hot and I'm loving it, but we need to grab the brat from the orphanage before four. It's fucking three now and it's a twenty minute drive." Kyley cut in.

"I'm ready when the conformist is." I sighed, getting my phone out to check on the bear cub's trip to South Park. It had taken me a few weeks to get the necessary things in order to have the cub moved to Kenny's animal sanctuary. The truck transporting the little thing was just crossing the border to Colorado and would hit South Park in about an hour. Eric was on standby to pick the bear up from the drop point. He would then drive it back to Kenny's where Carol was waiting to place it in its new environment. Kenny was with the goths, catching them up on everything they missed and helping them get the necessities for their home, "Kyley, the cub is almost to Kenny's."

"Is Eric waiting at the drop point?"

"Yup," I closed the screen to my phone and was about to put it back in my pocket when Shelly's number lit up across the device and her ringtone played out. With a quick slide of the finger, I answered the call and placed it on speaker. "Shelly?"

"Mom wanted me to check to see if you two made it okay."

"Yea, we did," I smiled slightly at the protectiveness in her voice. "How's Butters?"

"Pretending he wasn't recently near death. Last I saw he was trapped between a very concerned Token, a sobbing Clyde and Momma Bebe trying to talk a very happy Red out of spending her entire check on a cradle for Kena."

"I... one hundred percent see all of that happening." I laughed.

"Firkle's doing better, too. Just so you know." Shelly stated calmly. "Pete and Michael took Ike and him out on a double date in the cemetery about an hour ago. Kenny went along to smooth over any issues that arise. Henri and I are about to go get her a new dress."

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