Chapter Eight

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It's been two months since Kyley and I opened our home to Eros and Myles. So far there hasn't been much of a change. I'm still stuck on bed rest as the South Park ways are new to my LA band. I've had to pretend to be weak and healing anytime they come over. Today is a practice day and Kyley has asked me to use the living room for the day so I can sit on the couch as I lied about my health once more. Alex and Johnny stood to the right of me as Tristen and Ian stood to my left. I held my bass on my lap as Ian fucked with the puke green guitar he always had. Johnny finished setting up his drums only a few minutes ago. Alex had his guitar while Tristen tested out his keyboard. Just as we were about to start actually practicing, Myles entered the room. He paused at the sight of strangers before moving closer to me, his eyes never leaving my band. "Raven?"

"What's up, kid?"

"I lost my... my plushie." The kid's eyes were pointed to his shoes. I knew he thought the guys would laugh at him for still carrying around a stuffed toy, but over the last few weeks, Kyley and I had come to understand that the toy was the last reminder of his parents and sister. I would not stand for anyone mocking such an item. It actually broke my heart that he had to fear such things.

"What's it look like, baby bird?" Johnny asked, moving around his drums. "We haven't started yet and you seem pretty upset, so why don't we spread out and see if we can't find it."

"Baby bird?"

"Well, you are Raven's kid, right?"

"That he is. The target is a penguin about a foot tall. He's in a homemade bat costume to hide his original bright color. There is a reaper pin in the right ear of the costume."



"The usual?"

I nodded. "First to find my son's plushie gets naming rights to the next album. You have twenty minutes. Do not break my house, my stuff, my fiance or my brats. If you don't find it all four of you forfeit something of value to the kid. All lawsuits can be aimed at Johnny for volunteering you all."

"Raven?" Myles turned to look at me with big eyes. "What's going on?"

"Ian calls it the Reaper Trials. It started years ago with the first album. See, I started the band so I'm the leader by default but I don't always like the responsibility of the title. When that happens I create a competition and the winner gets the responsibility I didn't want over certain things like album names, art, song titles, logos, shit like that. The stupid cosmetics of the entire thing. I take care of the songwriting and scheduling, they compete to take care of appearances and merch. I make sure they all get a chance at the responsibility by creating competitions winnable with skills each one is noticeably better in."

"I guess that's one way to avoid favoritism."

"There's really no point to it. I mostly just enjoy the chaos of it all. Anyways, the rules have been set, explanation given and your target has been issued. I'm starting the timer at the new hour. You have five past a quarter to find the plushie and return it to my son, any questions?"

"Actually," Tristen raised his hand a bit, calling attention to him. "Would I be able to ask the target's name?"

Myles turned bright pink before muttering, "Batuin."

"Oh!" Alex squealed. "Makes me think of like a medieval sorceress mixed with Batman and that's dope as fuck."

Myles flicked his gaze back to mine. I gave him a small half smile, "stoner goth, pagan household, don't ask."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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