; one

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"I told you Areia, he is not dangerous at all. Whatever you saw, you probably just imagined."

Areia closes her eyes once again, and clenches her fist. She has been telling Daphne about what she saw that night. Someone in this world held an unknown power that could put everyone in danger. She does not know a thing about this power nor does she know the origins. But she knew what she saw, and it is definitely anything but a hallucination.

"You know what, I'll give you a rest for a week. You're probably just tired. You've been talking about this nonsense for the past few days already." Daphne says in a worried tone.

"Fine." Areia sighed. She grabbed her bag and stomped out the office.

The sky had spat out beads of water aggressively onto the ground. The clouds were in the shades of gray. It was starting to smell like earth and grass, as Areia would describe. It was a rainy day, that time of the month where she would want to just lay in bed, and that was the plan. As she waits to arrive in her destination inside the bus, she recalls that night on the closing of the school.


It was becoming dark, every student were walking out or being fetched by the buses, with only the faculty and other staff remaining behind.

She was closing up her advisory class's room, checking and analyzing everything with her sight, as she fishes for any imperfection. She was tidying up the place before she leaves. That was until she heard a noise.

It was a booming noise that apparently... no one else has heard?

She followed the sound, curious to see what has happened. She starts to ask questions in her mind that she can only hear.

'Is there any danger? Did someone get hurt?'

Her feet comes to a stop in front of a door. The windows of the room were covered with the curtains, so she can hardly see the silhouette, but she knew that it was a man's.

This was Mr. Anderson's office room. He probably still has not left. Worriedly, she knocked on the door, but no one answered. She knocked again, this time the door becomes slightly ajar. She invited herself inside.

She witnesses Mr. Anderson inside, his back facing her, as he occupies himself with what seemed to be something glowing. Hints of blue light reflected all over the dark room, and it started to get strangely windy. She comes for a closer look, a gnawing feeling starting to formulate inside her.

Suddenly, she felt the need to hide. She follows the gut feeling, and goes behind a shelf inside the room. She peeks through the free space of the shelf, and sees Mr. Anderson slightly face her direction and heavily focused on the glowing light once again. This time, Areia started to see it clearer. The blue light seemed to be some sort of power, a pulsing force that emitted low sounds, as if it were something extraterrestial. She gasped, and froze in the process.

She quietly rushed to the ajar door, walking fast as soon as she does so successfully. Walking out of the building, she started to doubt if what she witnessed was real.


She opened the door to her room, finally relaxing in the sofa once she changed into her home clothing. She turned the television on and searched for the series she had been watching.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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