mumbai & rumours

369 28 13


After winning the WC the Indian cricket team was back to Mumbai. The team members will now head to their respective teams home ground from here for IPL. After one week Indian premier league is goona start. Mumbai Indians will go to Wankhede for their practice.

Srishti's pov.

So now we are here in Mumbai. It feels good to be back here. Home.

"Home sweet home~" I sang.

Sammy was sleeping in Dada's arm and ritsy bhabhi was unlocking the door. I straight went in my room to take a good shower.

I called ishan and he picked up after two rings.

On call-

Sri: hiiii

Ish: hello (yawning)

Ish: did you landed safely?

Sri: yes I landed safely and just took a shower.

Ish: oh good so what are you gonna do now

Sri: well probably sleep

Ish: and dinner

Sri: oh yeah I forgot after it I'll sleep

Ish: hmm good

???: Ishu beta

Someone called his name

Ish: umm srish mumma is calling me for dinner.

Sri: okayy bye good night

Ish: good night baby dream about me.

I can imagine him winking while saying this.

Hahaha cutie. My cutie pocket dynamo.

"ahmm ahmm" rits bhabhi fake coughed

"Bhabhi" I said blush covered my face.

"Your lover boy?" She asked teasingly.

"Yesss" I said hiding my face in my hands.

"Let's go for dinner" she said leaving the room.

I went downstairs.

"Srishiii" dada called.

"Yes dada" I replied.

"Are you gonna join us for mi matches" he asked

"Can I ?" I asked.

"Well, I would like you to be present in every matches so that-" I cutted him off.

"Thankyou dada" I screamed hugging him.

"Dadda when will ishan chachu return" sammy asked.

"After two days princess"  ro replied.

Well Ishan went to Bihar to meet his family and will return after two days for his practice and all.

Ishan's pov.

Bihari babu is back to his home town.

After this tiring WC I decided to meet my family and enjoy with them. I was in my room lying on the bed talking to srishti and mumma called me to have dinner.

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