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The engagement went well. Now everyone is busy preparing for T20 WC.

New york.

The team landed in new york. Everyone went directly to the hotel as they were tired.

Ishan and Shubman are sharing rooms.
Srish's room was in between ishan's and Rohit's.

After having dinner the kids were in srish's room.

Ishan's pov

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Ishan's pov.

I sneaked into srish's room. I told her to keep it open and she did. As I entered I was welcomed by a chaos. All the kids were in her room.

I saw vami and sammy playing with each other on the sofa and agastya was sticking to Srish. Angad and akaay are small so they are with their parents. Nidhyana aka nidhu was eating something and went towards vami and sammy.

I locked the door and went towards the bed where agu was with srish. As I went there he looked at me.

 As I went there he looked at me

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Agu: chachu

Srish looked at me.

Srish: hii

Ishan: hello

Ishan: come to me bachha

I said forwarding my hands to take him but he turned his head and snuggled into her neck.

Ishan: huh!?

Srish: hahaha

Ishan: yahh!! Stop laughing haan!

Sammy: chachu see na agu is not leaving bobby I want to play with her.

Sammy said coming towards me and pouted.

Vami: yes chachu

Vamika said hugging my arms.

Nidhu: he started crying when sammy went near bua and when she leave her he quickly hugged her.

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