angry ro

271 25 17

Srishti's pov.

I was still taking with bhabhi when Dada came back in the dinning area with a serious look on his face. Looks like I'm dead today.

' srishti sharma ' he said coming towards us.

He called me by full name. Ok now I'm more scared.

' d-da-dad-da-dada i-iii w-ant want to t-tel-el -- ' I was shuttering so badly.

' care to explain this ' he said in strict voice showing his phone screen.

I'm surely dead today.

' da-dada ' i don't know how I'm gonna make up for this.

He was going towards his room but stopped at the door and without turning back he said

' I would like to listen your explanation, tomorrow ' and with that he went into his room leaving me and bhabhi with shocked expression.

I looked at bhabhi.

' he have a press conference meeting tomorrow ' she said.

It's already late tho and dada needs to wake up early.

' Ishan will be there too ' she said still looking at me.

' bhabhi '

' what if dada gets angry with me '

' what if he didn't agree with our relationship '

' what if - '

' bachha calm down ' bhabhi said

' everything will be fine ' she said keeping her one hand on my shoulder.

' you go sleep ' ritsy bhabhi said going towards their room.

I was watched her going in her room. I don't know what's going to happen now. My sleep is vanished away now. I need to talk to ishu. He might be sleeping too. He have to attend the meeting. I think I should try to sleep.

Next morning.

Srishti woke up and did her morning routine and went downstairs.

' good morning ' ritika said.

' good morning bhabhi ' srish replied

' going somewhere? ' asked ritika.

' cafe ' I replied.

' you are not going anywhere ' Rohit said while coming towards the dinning table.

' good morning dada ' srish said nervously.

' hmm ' rohit replied shortly and started eating.

Srishti's pov.

Dada never talked to me like this. I saw him getting up.

' I'll be back by 4 ' dada said and left for the press conference.

Tears formed in my eyes within seconds and started to flow down.

' are bachha don't cry please ' ritsy bhabhi hugged me.

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