Chapter 32

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When we got home and everyone took a shower and got changed, Perrie and I started packing.

We were half folding, half shoving all her clothes in her suitcase as we blasted music.

I threw a shirt at her and it landed on her head.

She took it off laughing, and I laughed at her hair because if the static.

"Shut up." Perrie giggled, and shoved it in the suitcase.

She went in the bathroom and brought all her makeup and toiletries and stuff out and dumped it on the bed.

I started winding up the cord to her hair straightener.

"I'm gonna miss you." Perrie muttered.

"I am too." I said, trying to find a place in her suitcase for it.

"It's gonoing to suck going back home where I have no friends." She said, putting all of the stuff she just brought from the bathroom in a bag.

"Shut up Per. You have friends, I'm the one who is stuck with a bunch of boys." I said, lightly nudging her with my shoulder.

"You do have Andrea, and Jenn, and Arden, and Lauren." She said, stuffing her makeup bag in the suitcase.

"That's true. But it won't be the same as having you here. I barely talk to them." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Then talk to them more. We had a girls night, so you know they're chill and fun to hang out with." Perrie said, attempting to zip up her full suitcase.

"Yeah, I guess." I said, sitting cross-legged on it so it would be easier to zip up. "But they're all best friends and live together and stuff. And I'm just Kian's little sister sent to him for the summer because of bad behavior."

"Is that how you feel?" Perrie asked, stopping trying to zip up the suitcase and looked at e.

"I mean, kinda." I shrugged.

She just shook her head at me and finished zipping it.

I hopped off and was instantly pulled into a hug.

"Everyone loves you Jord. You aren't what you think at all." Perrie said in my ear.

"Thank you Per." I said, hugging back tightly.

We packed her carry on, which was just a back pack, with the stuff she'll need for the flight.

Once we were done, we brought her suitcase downstairs.

And by downstairs, I mean we brought it to the top of the staircase and pushed it down, letting it stay where ever it landed.

The two of us went into the kitchen and started making cookies.

We made a huge mess, but left it for the boys to clean up.

As I pulled the last batch out of the over and put them on a plate, there was a loud thump and an "Ouch!"

The Connor came in rubbed a red elbow.

"I tripped over the suitcase laying in the middle of the floor in front of the stairs." He whined.

Perrie and I exchanged a look, the ran out of the kitchen.

"Wait!" I yelled, turning around and running back.

Perrie stopped and looked at me weird.

I grabbed the plate of cookies as Connor stared at me, then ran back. Perrie laughing hysterically.

The two of us went out back to the pool, and sat down, eating the cookies.

We just hung out until Kian came out.

"It's time to go." He said, standing in the doorway of the sliding glass door.

I looked at Perrie and we both stuck out our lower lips.

"Come on." Kian said, smiling sympathetically.

Perrie and I stood up and went inside.

I put the plate in the sink and Perrie said goodbye to all the boys because it was just Kian, Perrie, and I going to the airport.

Someone had already put Perrie's suitcase in the car, so we just got in and Kian started driving.

Perrie and I each put in one ear bud and we listened to music.

It was sort of our thing and one of things I was going to miss most.

My eyes started watering and I looked at Perrie to see that she was almost crying too.

I leaned my head on her shoulder and she laid hers on the top of my head, we stayed that way until we got to the airport.

When Kian parked, he got out and got her suitcase from the trunk.

I stuffed my phone into my pocket and Perrie and I got out of the car.

We held hands as we walked through the airport, with Kian pulled the suitcase behind us.

Perrie went through security and check her bags and everything, then we went to her gate to wait for her plane to board.

The three of us talked and joked around for a while.

Kian tried to cheer us up, and it helped, until they called for everyone to board the flight that was taking Perrie home.

My eyes filled with tears again and I looked at Perrie.

We stood up and pulled each other in for a hug.

The two of us just stood there in each others embrace, crying for a while.

Kian put a hand on each of our shoulders and we separated slightly, looking at him with red puffy eyes.

He hugged Perrie also, as I stood there crying.

Perrie pulled me in for one last hug then put on her backpack, and boarded her flight.

After she gave the person her ticket, she looked back at me one last time and blew me a kiss.

I blew one back hen she turned and left.

Kian pulled me in for a hug as I started crying harder.

I buried my face in his chest as he smoothed my hair and laid his chin on the top of my head.

"Shhh, it's ok." He muttered.

Kian and I stood there, him trying to get me to stop crying.

A lot of people passed us and gave me sympathetic looks.

Once people started recognizing Kian though, we decided it would be best to just leave.

We walked back to the car, Kian with his arm over my shoulder.

I got in the passengers seat and pulled my legs up to my chest, hiding my face in my knees.

Kian rubbed my back then started the car.

As we drove home, I eventually fell asleep.


Omg I am literally so mad rn.

So I was writing this chapter, trying to finish it so I could publish it, and I tried deleting a part because I didn't like it, and the whole fufking thing deletes.

So I rewrite this whole thing so I am really sorry if it sucks.

Tomorrow my friends are coming over and we're filming a video for my friend's Youtube channel.

And my younger brother leaves for boy scout camp and he'll be gone all week, so I am really really excited for that.

I am so mad.

A bunch of my friends are going to the One Direction concert in 3 days, and I'm like the only one that's not going. And they all keep talking about it and it's making me feel bad.

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Peace out, stay cloudy :)

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