mantlethemagnificent that's hot. <darkwingy/n take a shower Reg.
jug.jones ouch. <darkeingy/n he's fine.
archandrews well then. <darkwingy/n lol
betts.cooper why does your mouth look so small? Lol. <darkwingy/n I have no idea lol.
fandrews damn, he's a lucky man. <darkwingy/n I'm a lucky woman.
serpentkingjones wow.
gladysjones slut! <darkwingy/n excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are? <<gladysjones someone who is tired of seeing you being an absolute whore. <<<jug.jones what's going on? <<<<gladysjones get out of here Jughead. <<<<<darkwingy/n I got this Jug.