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~2100+ words

"I know you think,
that you know me

But you ain't even
seen my darkside"

As Mr

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As Mr. Mehra and Sifra left the office, my mind was consumed by Ryka. The final moments of our date played on a loop in my head, each frame sharper and more vivid than before. I could see her eyes clouding with confusion, the subtle clench of her jaw, the forced smile that never reached her eyes. What had gone wrong? Was it the phone call that had pulled me away? Had she been jealous? The idea seemed preposterous. We were supposed to hate each other, our interactions laced with barbed comments and scathing looks. Yet, beneath the layers of animosity, there was something more, something neither of us had ever dared to acknowledge.

I leaned back in my chair, the weight of the situation pressing down on me. My relationship with Ryka was a volatile mix of passion and conflict, each argument a spark that threatened to ignite the combustible feelings we both tried to suppress. Despite our mutual disdain, there were moments of undeniable connection, fleeting instances where our true emotions flickered to life. It was maddening, the push and pull between us, the constant struggle to maintain the facade of indifference.

Now, with Sifra reentering the picture, the delicate balance between us felt even more precarious. Sifra, whose machinations had once driven a wedge between me and Ryka, was now my new PA. I hadn't anticipated this twist, nor the potential chaos it could unleash. I knew I had to tell Ryka, but the timing felt all wrong. She was already on edge; how would she react to the news that Sifra was once again entangled in our lives?

I drummed my fingers on the desk, deep in thought. Maybe it was better to wait. Our engagement was on the horizon, a beacon of hope in the turbulent sea of our relationship. I didn't want to risk it all by revealing this complication prematurely. But the nagging doubt remained-what if she found out from someone else? Sifra's talent for creating misunderstandings was well-known, and the potential for disaster was significant.

I considered my options carefully. Honesty was crucial, but so was timing. I needed to find the right moment, one where Ryka would understand that my intentions were pure, that I wasn't hiding anything from her. I couldn't afford another rift between us, not now, not when we are so close to finally acknowledging our true feelings.

I glanced at my phone, tempted to call Ryka immediately, but I resisted the urge. This conversation required a more delicate approach. I needed to gauge her mood, find a moment when we were both calm and open. Our upcoming engagement could serve as a foundation, a stabilizing force that would help them weather this storm.

In the meantime, I resolved to keep my interactions with Sifra strictly professional. I couldn't allow her to drive a wedge between me and Ryka again. The stakes were too high, our future too precious. Aarav's thoughts drifted back to Ryka, to her sharp wit, her fierce spirit, the way her eyes sparkled when she was genuinely happy. I couldn't lose that, couldn't lose her.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now