chapter three

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after a loud ten-minute drive of glenn living his race car boy life, they finally arrive at camp atlanta. the camp is nestled in a vast quarry filled with ocean-blue water, shimmering under the summer sun. the persistent blare of the car alarm adds to the urgency of their arrival, and they can see rick and the others following behind in the distance.

as they pull up to the camp, rory quickly slips out of the car. a group of strangers rush over to glenn, likely to demand he silence the obnoxious car alarm. her hands tremble with a mix of anxiety and anticipation as she opens the boot and retrieves her bags. just then, the car alarm ceases its blaring, and through a gap, she catches sight of an older man berating glenn about the dangers of attracting walkers to their camp. a young blonde girl bombards glenn with questions, her voice frantic.

rory closes the boot door just as she hears glenn say, "yes. well, i haven't come alone."

recognizing her cue, she steps out from behind the car, her eyes sweeping over the gathered group. there are so many people here, a whole community. she smiles nervously, her gaze landing on a man with curly hair, wearing a blue and white shirt. holy. fucking. shit.

her bags slip from her hands in shock, and she takes a few tentative steps forward, eyes locked on the man. he mirrors her movements, disbelief and joy washing over his face. in a split second, they break into a run, rory launching herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around him as he lifts her off the ground. sobs of relief and happiness escape both of them.

"SHANE! YOU'RE ACTUALLY... YOU'RE ACTUALLY ALIVE," she cries, clutching him tighter.

he laughs, burying his face in her shoulder, "fucking hell, rory, i was starting to lose hope."

he gently sets her down, and they turn to face the group. "everyone, this is my other younger sister, lorelai."

"rory," she corrects him quickly.

before she can say more, a youthful voice calls out from behind, "RORY!!!"

she spins around to see a young blonde-haired girl, around ten years old, sprinting towards her. the girl flings her arms around rory's waist, hugging her tightly. "RORY, I KNEW YOU'D MAKE IT!"

rory drops to her knees, enveloping the girl in a tight embrace. "oh my god, iris i've missed you so much!" tears stream down her face as she holds the girl close, the weight of their reunion crashing over her.

the group around them watches with a mix of curiosity and empathy. shane looks at her, his voice filled with emotion. "LORI, CARL, OVER HERE!" he shouts.

rory looks up, her eyes meeting with a brunette mom and her son. her eyes widen in recognition. it's lori and carl, rick's family, her family. without hesitation, she runs over to them.

lori's face lights up in shock and joy as she recognizes rory. "rory, is it really you?" her voice trembles, tears brimming in her eyes.

"yes, lori, it's me!" rory's voice breaks with emotion as she reaches them, wrapping her arms around lori in a tight embrace. "i can't believe you're here. i can't believe we're all here."

carl stands beside them, a mix of relief and happiness on his face. he looks more worn than she remembers, but his eyes still hold that familiar spark. "rory?" he questions happily, joining the hug.

"carl !! ," rory says, her voice filled with awe and affection as she ruffles his hair. "i missed you, kiddo."

the three of them stand there, holding each other, a small island of reunion amidst the larger group. the camp members watch quietly, moved by the emotional scene, "also, i didn't come to atlanta alone, there's someone you're gonna want to see." rory says smiling at the confusion on the twos faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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