《Chapter 9》

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Sandy walked through the sliding doors scratching mo's ears softly causing the blue cat to purr,the sound of chopping was heard as he nears the counter pigsy and tang was at,the kitchen was just as beautiful as anything else on the ship

"Hi sandy old pal,you're just in time to get something to eat"pigsy greets from the chopping board before he deadpans to tang"before tang eats them all"tang shamelessly shrugged his shoulder eating noodles without care in the world,sandy chuckles ...

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"Hi sandy old pal,you're just in time to get something to eat"pigsy greets from the chopping board before he deadpans to tang"before tang eats them all"tang shamelessly shrugged his shoulder eating noodles without care in the world,sandy chuckles lightly setting mo down on the counter taking a seat next to tang"well who could blame him,pigsy's noodles are one of a kind" imaginary flowers appears around pigsy in glee from the compliment and a sense of pride shines in his chest,when two voices behind him interrupted the moment"pigsy's noodles?"tin asked in confusion eating more nuts from the mix shadow floating with crisscross legs next to him eating a bag of chips with a expressionless face but there was a hint of curious in their eyes,sandy was the first to smile at them before answering"yup pigsy makes the best noodles"tang hummus in agreement,tin and shadow share a even more confusing look,before shadow asked"what are noodles?"that alone made tang choke on his noodles sandy patting his back to ease the coughs,pigsy looked at them with wide eyes before smiling at them"well today is your lucky day,I'm going to make your first experience of my noodles unforgettable"he said clenching his fist in determination ,fire was literally in his eyes,tin and shadow looks at him before shrugging taking the seats next to sandy,maybe a little taste won't hurt

"Ooooh"mei exclaims looking through one of the test tubes with green liquid inside,she chuckles softly continuing  on making funny faces through it,the lab was more spacious and luxurious too with test tubes here and there,holographic screens with very important data on and robotic arms in each corner ready to help

"Ooooh"mei exclaims looking through one of the test tubes with green liquid inside,she chuckles softly continuing  on making funny faces through it,the lab was more spacious and luxurious too with test tubes here and there,holographic screens with...

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Lumi clicked her tongue lightly in frustration looking back at mei's phone than to her screen in front,after a moment mei walked up to her looking through her screen curiously"soooo,you cracked the code to the next pillar yet"lumi sighed,with a shake of her head putting in other code only for it to not work...again...lumi narrowed her eyes as her tail swayed behind her"no not yet,it seems the second code is way more difficult than I thought"mei looked at lumi in concern watching as lumi put in another code"it'll probably take me days to figure this one out"the code she put didn't work either causing the robotic cat to hiss,her hologram eyes glitched slightly before calming down looking at mei with a tired eye smile"but don't worry,iv delt with more complicated puzzles than this,I am not giving up that easily"mei smile grow at the new found determination growing inside lumi eyes before rapping her arms around her shoulders"and i can help you with that"mei smirks lightly"four arms are better than two"lumi eyes brightens,nodding her head rapidly with a eye grin"thx a lot let's do this!"behind the two girls red son and glitch unknowingly looked at them with a soft loving smile watching the two girls high fiveing each other before working.
"Here you go,freshly made with love and spices"pigsy gently set down two bowls of steaming hot noodles in front of shadow and tin,both of them looked at each other hesitantly before slowly taking their chopsticks,pigsy bit his nails nervously watching as they take the noodles to their mouths,all was quiet as pigsy,tang and sandy who was holding tang back from reaching the noodles watched as tin and shadow simultaneously swallowed the noodles down...burst of flavor flows through their tongue as their eyes sparkled in amazement fireworks exploding behind them"oh my GODS!,this is amazing!"shadow exclaims in amazement slurping more  of the noodles down while tin chugged down it all,pigsy grins with pride as he skillfully twirls his wooden spoon"well,I'm glad you like it"tin pulled his bowl from his face as he licked his lips in satisfaction"oh man this is the best meal I have ever had,waaaaay better those throwing foods years ago"that last statement made the three looked at each other in confusion"ummmm,throwing foods?"tang asked tilting his head but shadow shook their head"dont worry about it"they can tell that shadow doesn't want them to talk about it,so they just nodded their heads,tin was the one to break the light tension in the kitchen"man i have got to show the others this"tin turns to shadow who was lazily eating their noodles"shadow.portal me"and with a lazy wave of their hand a shadow like portal appears next to him,that sadly reminds the monkie gang of their six-eared monkey companion,with his bowl tightly pressed against his grey hoodie tin practically yeeted himself through it
Red son and glitch awkwardly stood next to one another from behind the girls not knowing what to talk about,until glitch decided to break the silence"soooooo...how long have you and mei been dating"he asked,awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.red son glanced at him from the corner of his eye before looking ahead"3 years now,we started dating at 17"glitch nodded his head looking forward as well"respect"red son chuckled lightly before glancing at him"and what about you and that robotic feline,you two a thing"at that statement glitch stiffened snapping his head to red son,his tail fluffed up behind him"wait what,me and lumi...whaaaaat no,pfff we not...I'm not...we just"red son rises a brow of amusement at glitch's nervous state,for once glitch is so glad to wear his helmet today because his face can rival a tomato at the moment,he sighs in defeat and cleared his throat"is it really that obvious"red son smirked his fangs showing slightly"yeah it is,although your helmet hides some of your expressions.your body language says it all"glitch sighed again and was about to change the topic when tin's head all of a sudden pop up behind them"hey guys!"all four of them shrieks in surprise,red son and glitch hugging each other in fright while the girls were in front with their hands in karate chop motion"oopies,sorry about that"tin apologizes hopping out the portal,red son and glitch slowly glance at one other before stepping away fixing their clothes while clearing their throats out from embarrassment,lumi giggled softly while mei rolled her eyes in amusement before facing tin"so tin what brings you here?"the young creature proudly president the noodles

"I here by show,pigsy's noodles"he dramatically lifts the noodles above his head to show them"pigsy's noodles?"lumi and glitch asked in unison,red son answers them"its that pig man's signature dish"mei added on the statement"and the most delicious thing you have ever tasted"that perk their curiosity taking the chopsticks tin provided,scooping up some noodles and down the mouth,sparkles burst out their eyes as they humm softly"oh man now this is good"glitch said in amazement scooping more noodles through his helmet,giving red son and mei to see part of his face his mouth had a scar on the bottom lip and a nose ring glittering from the little light,lumi scoops more noodles pressing a button near the center of her stomach area a opening appeared,setting the noodles inside the hatchet closed and lumi hums in satisfaction while red son looked disturbed mei looks curious at her,both looked at glitch who was cutely munching on noodles,feeling their stare he just shook his head and shrugged his shoulder as if saying 'don't even ask'"I now right,that the same reaction me and shadow did"tin explains from the counter lightly tagging his bowl away as lumi was eating a bit to much"man I'm surprised that such a simple dish,can taste that good"glitch said impressed by the flavor and texture of it must of taking pigsy a while to get the recipe perfect and for that glitch respects"thats pigsy for you,really cherishes his family legacy"whoah so this was a legacy recipe,man glitch feels honored now as he adjust his helmet"give me that,I want more!"the sound of lumi's yell made all three look her way only to see tin and herself play tag of war with the bowl"no way this is mine!"but I want it!"come on there is more in the kitchen!"but it's too far!"seriously!!"tin successful caught the bowl but lumi was not finished yet

The robotic feline hissed as she lunched forward,tin screaming as he and lumi flew through the portal"seriously guys,come on"glitch groan setting his chopsticks down walking up to the portal red son and mei not far behind,all three peaked their heads in the sight was something for red son and mei all was black and the only thing there was floating objects oh and lumi and tin floating in circles still fighting over the bowl"give me!""no!""give me!""no!"glitch sighs at the sight of his team being immature"lumi.tin get out of there,you now how shadow hates it we do this"unfortunately those words were deaf to their ears"im warning you two"glitch crossed his arms with a huff"you remember what happened last time,shadow banned us from using their portals all because you two and (y/n) decided to do a prank inside their portal...it took weeks for us to clean that shit!"hold the phone you and prank really,I mean it's you don't get them wrong you seemed like a nice person but you also seem distant,almost as if your...afraid,anyways leaving that aside red son and mei watched as tin waved his claw with a pfff"lighten up glitch you got to attempt,that was a good prank"glitch deadpan behind his helmet" and by good you mean our asses getting kick after cleaning up"tin was going to protest when the place began to rumble slightly and the feeling of dread washed over lumi,glitch and tin as a huge pair of glowing white eyes appeared behind lumi and tin,glitch gulps slowly backing away grabbing the shock red son and mei behind their collar'lumi I like you and all,but your on your own for this one' the eyes glare at them "heyyyy shadow,how've you been"tin nervously asked sweat dripping from his head"the eyes looked at them blankly as shadows voice echoes around the void"oh I don't know,tired and annoyed"thier glare was back as lumi and tin gulps"haha,yeah soooooo...truce"the eyes glows and shadow chuckles darkly"ohhh~ we'll make a truce alright"welp RIP lumi and tin you'll be dearly missed
A scream,crash and thud can be heard followed by another scream,crash and thud above made mk to tilt his head up slightly in confusion'what is going on up there?'He shook his head not wanting to know,a meow caught his attention the cat tilt its head as it ran another way'okay I think this cat is messing with me'mk eyes twitched slightly in annoyance before huffing lightly following after it,the cat patiently waited for mk,seeing him rounding the corner the cat turns and entered another hallway,he smirks slightly picking up his pace'I got you  now'"there you are"the sound of your voice made mk to halt in his tracks,slowly peaking around the corner watching as you gently lift the navy blue cat who seems very happy to see you,your mask was off as well as your swords,he watches for a moment smiling softly as you giggled the sound was surprisingly soothing for him,the navy blue cat nuzzled into your neck"iv Been looking for you,sera"sera meowed in apology setting herself on your shoulder and purring lightly as you scratched behind her ear a small smile on your face before it faded glancing at the direction mk was hiding,he Yelp as you made eye contact"you can come out,I saw you already"you said with your arms crossed.mk sighs slowly revealing himself and walked to your direction making sure to keep his distance

"Hi"mk greets awkwardly with a wave,you hummed back to him your stoic expression still on your face as you glanced down for a split second before looking into mk's big warm chocolate brown eyes'wait warm' you shook your head clearing your throat"okay listen and listen well"mk stiffened as you turned your back on him"meet me in the training room,your training will start there"he rapidly nodded his head as you began making your way out before stopping,mk tilts his head in confusion at your sudden halt"oh and...ummm"you struggle to say the next words the tip of your ears turn a blossoming pink slightly"put on a shirt will you"and with that you continue on,mk looks down for a moment,suddenly yelping in embarrassment covering his exposed chest his cheeks bright red as he scrambled away,you chuckled lightly at the sound of his hurried footsteps
'What a weird monkey boy'
(Chapter 9 finally completed I hope you all enjoy and sorry for not updating for a while I was getting lazy😅😅...next up chapter 10 where the first pillar is)

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