hot damn. *please read*

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an intro of sorts. 

before you get into this story there are a few things i need to make perfectly clear. 

for starters, this was written a long ass time ago. as in years ago. and it is COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE. 

the writing is shit. 

the characters are ooc. 

y/n is shit. 

the story sucks ass. 

so if you value your sanity, please do not read this book. 

with that being said, i kinda want to rewrite it? 

but i'd start from scratch if that were the case. if i do rewrite it, the new book will be somewhere up on my account. 


this book is discontinued. 

it is not finished and will most likely never be finished. 

i will be publishing the unfinished chapter that i wrote and never finished as well. 

please consider reading my other works as they are far better than this one. 

thank you to those who read this. ily. 

have a wonderful day/night. 

- lf / fluffie. <3 


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