~ The Acceptance ~

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~ (Y/n)'s POV ~ 

I was in my apartment, looking out of the window, it was raining slightly outside, the weather reflected my feelings, how cliche, I hated it. I sighed softly, already regretting what I was about to say. 

"If.. She makes him happy.. Then I should be happy for him. I'm being selfish, aren't I? Hating her and him because he doesn't love me?" I turned slowly and looked over at Celestia, who was sitting on my bed. 

She sent me a small smile, "I know it's hard to accept, but he does seem to love her.. It might seem hard now but it'll get easier." She spoke softly. 

I nodded my head slowly, "You're right, Celestia.. I might not be over my feelings for Natsu quite yet, but I can't love him forever, right? If he want's to be with Lucy.. I'll just.. Have to force myself to accept and be okay with that. " I sighed once again and looked over at the time.

"We have to go to the guild now, c'mon, if we hurry we shouldn't get too wet." I mumbled, walking over to the door and opening it. 

Celestia flew over to me, "It's just rain, we can take our time." She smiled as the two of us left our apartment and made our way to the Fairy Tail guild. 

I walked down the sidewalks, my hair slightly sticking to my face, I made an umbrella of ice a while ago, but I was still rather wet, plus, the ice was melting. So both me and Celestia were still quite damp, considering she was sitting on top of my head. 

I walked over to the guild and walked inside, looking around, I smiled as I saw Mirajane, singing. She was a really good singer, plus a lot of people seemed to like hearing her sing. I leaned against one of the walls, wanting to hear her sing. Music had always calmed me down. 

Once she was done, Gramps walked onto the stage, "Give it up for Mirajane! Is anyone else bold enough to compete?" 

I noticed Gajeel smirking a little bit, maybe there was a singing competition going down. 

"You should go.." Celestia whispered to me. 

I thought about it and shrugged, they hadn't heard me sing before, so why not? "I'll go." I spoke, kicking myself off of the wall and walking over. 

"Alright! (Y/n)'s up next!" Gramps left the front as I walked up, I sat down at a piano, taking in a quick breath. 

"This is a song I learned while I was away on my mission." I spoke, looking over at everyone, my eyes meeting Natsu's, if only for a moment. 

I placed my hands on the keys and began to play, "Stone cold, stone cold, you see me standing but i'm dying on the floor. Stone cold, stone cold, maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore. Stone cold, baby, God knows I tried to feel..

Everyone was silent, I didn't know if that was a good sign, or a bad one. 

"Happy for you, know that I am. Even if I-  can't understand.. I'll take the pain, give me the truth. Me and my heart, we'll make it through. If, happy is her.. I'm happy for you~

I had my eyes closed, I opened them and looked down at my hands on the keys, taking in a quick breath, I didn't know why I was getting so emotional. I hummed softly.

"Stone cold, stone cold, you're dancing with her, while i'm staring at my phone. Stone cold, stone cold, I was your amber but now she's your shade of gold. Stone cold, baby, God knows I tried to feel~ Happy for you~, know that I am.. Even if I- Can't understand.. I'll take the pain, give me the truth, me and my heart, we'll make it through.

I just tried to pour my feelings into the words of the song, it felt to alive and meaningful. 

"If happy is her.. I'm happy for you~

I took in a slightly shaky breath, "Don't wanna be, stone cold, stone.. I wish I could mean this, but here's my goodbye~! Oh, i'm happy for you, know that I am.. Even if I, can't understand.. If happy is her..

I stopped, waiting for a moment, looking down at my hands once again. 

"I'm happy for you~..

I heard people clap and whistle, I smiled softly and stood up, bowing slightly and making my way back over to Celestia. "How was it?" 

She smiled, "Awesome! You have a powerful voice!" I giggled and picked her up, placing her on my shoulder, I looked up, seeing Natsu again, but this time, he was walking away, out of the room. I frowned a little, but it was soon replaced with a fake smile as Lucy came walking over. 

"(Y/n)! You're such a good singer! That was really good!" She smiled. 

I nodded my head, "Awe, thank you Lucy.. That's so sweet of you.." I smiled. 

She nodded, "We're all going to go on a job together later, you should come, we haven't picked it out yet, but it's always fun." She smiles. 

I licked my lips slightly, "Yeah, I'll definitely consider it.. I just have some stuff to do.. We'll have to wait and see.. How're you and Natsu?" 

Her smiled faltered for a moment, and I raised my brow slightly, "We're great! We've never been better!" She says, sending me a white toothy grin. 

I felt another pang in my heart, but ignored it, "That's great! You guys are a great couple." 

She nodded slowly, "Well I have to go do something, so i'll see you in a little while, kay?" 

I nodded, waving softly, "Sure, see ya.." 

I watched as she walked out of the door Natsu had just walked out and looked over at Celestia. 

"Was it something I said?" 

She gave me a clueless expression and shrugged her shoulders. 

"Don't look at me, I have no idea.." She hummed. 

I looked back over at the door, "..She's probably just going to go make sure Natsu's okay or something.. Maybe they're going to go make out." 

Me and Celestia both made a grossed out expression and laughed at each other afterwards. 

"This is fun.. Sort of like the good old days." I spoke. 

She nodded, "Yeah.. We should do this more often.. Speaking of romance though, what's going on with you and Laxus?" 

I looked over at her, "He's on a job, remember? We're really good friends.. " 

She sent me a look, "I know you are, but you guys aren't just friends." 

I sighed, "It's difficult to explain, Tia.. But me and him are just friendly.. Really friendly.. It's complicated.. " 

She sighed, "You're with him to help you get over Natsu." 

I bit my lip and nodded slowly, "Yeah.. And he knows that.. It's not like a whole, love sort of thing. We're just together because.. We both sort of need that sort of thing right now.. Like I said, complicated." 

She sighs, "if you say so.." 

- - - - - - - -- - - - - 

well here is another chapter, I don't know how I feel about this book yet.

it's not the best

i'll tell you that


I still hope you enjoyed it

thank you for reading

see you in the next chapter my little hatchlings


word count: 1242

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