~ The Desired Distraction ~

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~ (Y/n)'s POV~ 

It's been a few weeks till the whole, anniversary party incident. Lucy's forgiven me, but Natsu's been ignoring me lately. I wouldn't blame him, I've sort of been ignoring him myself. I figured out that my feelings for Natsu won't go away on their own. I'm going to have to force them to go away. 

It's been hard, I've tried everything I could think of to get over Natsu, all except one thing. Get a boyfriend. This thought has been haunting me lately. I didn't know how I should feel about it, I didn't what if I even should do it, I didn't know if I wanted to do it. 

I tapped my fingers on the table I was sitting at, my gaze on the wooden surface. I loved Natsu, more than a friend. Though I knew he didn't feel the same way about me, I still love him as a friend, I wouldn't want to do anything to make him hate me. So far, i'm losing. 

It was settled, I needed to find someone who wasn't looking for an actual 'relationship', someone who just wanted to fool around a bit. I didn't want to make a guy like or even love me and in the end I didn't like him the same way back. I would feel terrible. So I needed to find someone else. I looked around, and that's when I saw it, or should I say him. 

He's asked me out a few times, he was known to just fool around with women, he wasn't looking for anything big, I knew that. I got up and marched over towards him. 

"Hey, Laxus." 

He smirked down at me, "(Y/n), I was wondering when you'd come to say hello. What's going on?" He grinned, and for some reason, it felt like we were being watched. I shrugged it off and looked up at Laxus. 

"I'm bored.. So I thought we could do something~" I shrugged softly. 

He rose a brow, "What's going on? Is this a trick? The old you wouldn't want anything to do with me." 

I smirked, "That was the old me, this is the new me. Do you wanna go out with me or not?" 

Laxus chuckled, "I'll take you out for lunch, c'mon." 

I smiled and grabbed his hand, passing by people who gave us weird looks. I then met his gaze, Natsu, he was glaring, I didn't know if it was directed at me, Laxus, or both of us. But right now, I didn't care. 

I was going to go out with Laxus, and I was going to have fun for once in my life. 

~ Tiny time skip because i'm lazy af XD ~

It's been a few weeks, and me and Laxus are officially a couple. It was rather fun, sneaking around with him, and doing bad stuff. When I was with him, I wasn't thinking about anything else, but that moment. He was the perfect distraction. 

I opened up the guild and walked inside, lately, I haven't been hanging around anyone else but Laxus. I looked around, spotting him and smiled, walking over towards him. I poked his shoulder softly. 

"Guess who?" 

Laxus chuckled, "My girlfriend." He turned around and placed his lips onto mine. 

I smirked into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him, some people groaned, some saying, 'get a room'. But the worst part, was a certain comment that came from a certain pink haired boy.  

Natsu scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Disgusting, what the hell does she even see in him anyways?" 

Laxus pulled away from me and looked over at Natsu with a glare, "What did you say?" He grumbled. 

Natsu glared over at him, getting in his face, "You heard me." 

I moved in between them and pushed Natsu away, "Back off, Natsu." I warned. 

Natsu glared harder, "Why should I? I can beat his punk ass any day!" 

Laxus smirked, "Yeah? You think so brat!"

I placed each of my hands on their chests and pushed them away from the other, "Stop it, enough. This is stupid, you're both acting like children." I grabbed Laxus's hand and pulled him away to a table, where I sat him down, he then pulled me onto his lap, making me blush. 

Laxus smirked over towards Natsu, making him glare even harder, he turned around, walking away, Lucy tried to grab him, but he simply pulled away and left the guild. 

I couldn't help but feel upset, my feelings for Natsu still haven't gone anywhere. Laxus was simply a distraction, nothing more. And I knew I was the same for him, he said so himself. We we're anything but a power couple, I was nothing but his trophy for him and other people to admire. Most girls would most likely have a problem with this, but I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to date Laxus. 

It wasn't anything new. 

I knew deep down, Laxus was a good guy, but right now, he was going through something, both of us just needed a distraction, and both of us knew that, which made us perfect for each other. 

Laxus took me over to a clearing in the forest, he sat down, leaning against a tree, as I sat down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder. I sighed. 

"What's wrong? You're not going against our agreement, are you?" He asked, looking down towards me. 

I shook my head no, "of course not, I just.." I hesitated not sure whether or not I should say something. 

"Spit it out." 

I sat up properly and looked over at him, "What would you do if you were in love with someone, but that person was in love with someone else?" I asked. 

He looked at me for a second, "Depends, is this person with someone?" 

I nodded my head slowly. 

He hummed and looked up at the sky, "I guess I would fight for them, tell them how I feel and let that person decided." 

I pouted, "You weren't supposed to say that." 

Laxus laughed softly, "You asked, I simply told you what you wanted to hear." 

I sighed, "Laxus?" 

"Hmm?" he hummed, looking over at me. 

"Do you.. Do you consider me you're friend?" I looked over at him, smiling sheepishly. 

Laxus rumbled with laughter and grabbed me, pulling me down with him as he lay down. I laughed and snuggled into his warm chest. With the time I've been spending with Laxus, I consider him one of my closest friends. 

"Yes." He hummed, "You're my friend." 

I grinned, "I knew it." 

Laxus laughed some more, shaking his head softly. 

There's only one problem, what do I do now?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

The reason this book is sort of out here, and why I keep writing in it, is mostly for myself. 

ever time I try to find a good natsu x reader or just a natsu x oc book, all of the good ones, are on hold, and all of the crappy ones, are so crappy I don't even want to read them.;


i'm not going to say which is which, because that would be rude


I hope you enjoy little hatchlings. 




word count: 1215

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