~ The Crush Interrogation ~

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~ Third Person POV ~ 

(Y/n) gazed at all of the faces, some held pity, some held confusion, some were even curious. Her heart was pounding in her chest, Laxus was walking away, she didn't know how to feel. 

"Did she just get dumped by Laxus?" 

"It was bound to happen sometime." 

"He's always using girls." 

"Did he break up with her because she has feelings for someone else?" 

"He totally just left her man!" 

(Y/n) felt tears build up in her eyes, she didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help herself. She began to squeeze past people in a hurry, just trying to get out of there as quickly as possible. 

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) wait!" Celestia called after her, she got up from her spot with Erza and flew after (Y/n) quickly. 

Erza glared over at Laxus, but she didn't approach him, because she understood why he did what he did. In fact, she was almost positive that she would do the same thing if she were in his shoes.. Not only that, but she also thought he did the right thing.. Even if it did hurt (Y/n) at first. She would get over it.. 

Natsu felt his heart ache, he didn't know why, but his blood boiled in pure anger. How could Laxus do something like that to her? He stood up abruptly and began to make his way over to Laxus, who was trying to leave the guild. 

"Laxus!" He shouted, he marched up to him, making sure to keep some distance, "How dare you hurt (Y/n) like that!? What has she ever done to you, huh!?" 

Laxus froze, he didn't do anything, he didn't say anything, he just kept his back facing Natsu. 

"Natsu! That's enough!" Erza shouted, stomping over there. 


"I said enough!" She shouted, sending him a cold gaze, "You have no right to interfere.. Leave it be.. Don't make me remove you with force." 

He starred over at her, his face full of mixed emotions, confusion, anger, regret, he huffed slightly and walked past Laxus, bumping into him slightly on his way out. He was surprised that Erza stopped him when (Y/n) was her best friend, and Laxus had just broke her heart. 

He stomped past Lucy and through the Fairy Tail Guild doors, then, he began making his way to (Y/n)'s apartment. 

* * * 

(Y/n) flopped onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow and letting out a quiet muffled sob. Why was she so foolish? Of course dating someone just for a distraction would lead to someone getting hurt. And now not only did she hurt Laxus, but she probably just lost a friend as well. Celestia sat next to her, rubbing her arm gently to try and sooth her the best way she could. 

"H-how could I be so s-stupid?" She sobbed, lifting her face out of her pillow and looking over at Celestia. 

"Awe (Y/n), you're not stupid." Celestia spoke, sending her a small smile. 

"Of course I am!" She said angrilly, though she wasn't angry at her exceed, she sat up and leaned her head against the head board of her bed. 

"I went out with Laxus to distract myself from Natsu! I was selfish! I should have known that someone was going to get hurt! And now I don't have either of them!" She cried, placing her hands on her face as sniffling. 

"You were trying to help yourself! You had no idea Laxus was going to fall in love with you. None of us would have predicted something like that!" 

"Yeah but I should have taken it into consideration. I lost him Tia, I lost one of my best friends because of my selfish ways! And you know what, it didn't even fucking help! I still have feelings for-"

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