~ The Return ~

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~ Third Person POV ~

Her steps were soft, leaving little to no sound as she walked down the streets of Magnolia. People sent the girl weird glances, some of them whispering as she walked by. Her gaze was locked onto her own feet down in front of her. Her (h/c) hair blew softly in the breeze. A white cat sat upon her shoulder, looking out at the city. The girl carried a single large bag with her, it looked heavy, and hung low from it's place on her back. Finally, after what felt like forever, she arrived at the place she was going to. 

The Fairy Tail guild. 

The girl looked up at it, her (e/c) eyes wandering up to the top, showing the title of the building stamped on it. It looked a lot different from what she remembered it to look like. Her hands shook slightly as she placed them on the doors, taking in a long shaky breath, she pushed against the door, opening them. 

There was people everywhere inside, she even recognised some of them. But she stayed silent, her gaze wandering around the room for a certain person. She slammed the door behind her, making herself wince at the sound, she hadn't meant to slam it that hard. Earning the attention of almost everyone in the room. They all stared at her, some looking completely shocked. Her gaze landed on a single person, making her walk over in their direction. 

"Who is she?" 

"I thought she died.." 

"Isn't that (Y/n)?" 

"She's sure grown a lot since we last saw her.." 

"Why is she back?" 

"Who is she!?" 

Everyone talked as she passed them, not giving any one of them a second glance, she walked up to the master of the guild, the master of her guild, and waited for him to speak. 

"(Y/n).. Long time no see, eh?" He smiled a little and opened up his eyes, looking over at her, his smile fell however as he saw her state. 

"(Y/n), is that you?" Natsu asked, pushing past some of the others and stepping forward. She ignored him in her broken state and fell to her knees, bowing her head. 

"I'm sorry Master.. But I.. Failed.. I failed my mission.." She spoke, her voice soft. 

Some people gasped, some people were confused, other people were silent, the room fell silent as she waited for her master to speak. 

"I know.." 

The girl looked up at him with a confused expression. 

"I knew when I assigned you the job that it was a tough one, not even some of the best S-class wizards would be able to succeed. I knew you needed to get away, you needed a challenge, so I gave you one. Do not be sad my dear, we're all just happy that you're back." He looked up.

"Aren't we?" 

People cheered, making the girl smile, she rose up from the ground and set her bag down. Turning and bowing her head in respect. 

Makarov, the master of the Fairy Tail guild, smiled, bowing his head back. "Welcome back, (Y/n) of Fairy Tail!" 

Lucy looked over towards Natsu, who grinned from ear to ear, "Who is she?" She asked. 

"(Y/n) (L/n), she's a wizard here at Fairy Tail, she was sent on a job years ago, and never came back. Whenever we asked the Master he dismissed the matter, most people thought she was dead." He replied, looking over at her. 

Lucy nodded her head, "She's really pretty.. Is she nice? What kind of wizard is she?" 

"Thank you, I would say i'm a pretty nice person, at least from time to time." (Y/n) said, grinning over at her, Lucy smiled a little and waved, not realising that she had walked over. 

Natsu smiled, "It's awesome to have you back! What happened?" he titled his head a little to the side, Happy came up and hugged her leg before chatting with the other white exceed, Celestia. 

"It's a long story.." She spoke, shrugging, "I'll tell it to you later.. And to answer your other question, uh.. What's your name?" 

"Lucy." She replied, sticking her hand out and shaking (Y/n)'s hand gently. 

"Lucy," (Y/n) nodded, "I'm a ice dragon slayer." 

"Another dragon slayer?" Lucy asked with a wide smile. 

(Y/n) chuckled and rubbed her arm awkwardly, "Uh yeah... I'm not all hot shot though, Natsu is definitely a stronger dragon slayer than I am. Actually a lot of wizards here and more powerful than me, so don't let the title get to you. " 

"Are you kidding! (Y/n) you're a great wizard!" Happy added excitedly. 

She laughed, "Thanks Happy.. I try."

(Y/n) nodded her head, "Well it was nice seeing you all, but I have a lot of unpacking to do, so i'll see you later." She smiled. 

"Alright, oh, (Y/n), we're celebrating me and Natsu's anniversary tonight, it's at my place, you should come!" Lucy smiled, (Y/n)'s smile fell, but she quickly hid it with a confused expression. 

"Anniversary?" She asked. 

Lucy nodded her head, "We've been together for a year now!" She wrapped her arm around Natsu's, kissing his cheek. 

(Y/n)'s expression turned blank, "I'll uh, have to check my calendar, I've been gone for a while and have a lot of catching up to do.. So.. Maybe.." without a second glance, or another word, she turned on her heel, grabbed her bag, and marched out of the guild. 

Celestia, who was deep in conversation with Happy, noticed her friend missing and said a quick good-bye before leaving with her. 

When (Y/n) got back to her small apartment- that the master had been paying rent for, (she'd have to pay him back later) for the past little while- while she was away. She sat down on her bed for a moment, her expression torn. 

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now?" Celestia asked, looking up at her from her spot on the floor. 

(Y/n) sighed softly and flopped back onto her bed, "Natsu... He's with someone.." She spoke softly. 

Celestia hopped up onto the bed and looked over at her, "Who?" 

"Lucy, that blonde celestial spirit wizard." She mumbled. 

"I don't want to offend you, but.. (Y/n).. you've been gone for years, you can't expect him to wait for you.. No one even knew if you were okay, let alone alive. Not even Master Makarov. " She spoke, laying next to her and looking up at the ceiling. 

"I know, I know.. But.. It still hurts.. He still broke his promise.." 

"You don't know if he did that yet.. Just, give it some time. You should go to that party tonight." 

(Y/n) looked over at Celestia as if she had grown an extra head, "You've got to be joking? Go to a party that's celebrating them being together? To see them all over each other, no way." She shook her head and sat up, looking out of the window that was next to her bed. 

Celestia sighed, "You've got to get used to it someday, (Y/n). The sooner the better. Just, think about it.. Okay?" 

(Y/n) sighed and nodded her head slowly, "Okay.." She whispered. 

Celestia frowned and crawled onto her lap, she leaned against her warm body and looked out the window as well. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Well that's it for the first chapter. 

I hope you all enjoyed it. 

No matter how bad it sucked. 


I'll see you in the next chapter my little hatchlings. 


word count: 1290

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