Chapter 2

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Amelia watched with growing thirst as the guards approached her cell. She was bubbling with fury as she felt her throat fill with flames as the sweet smell of human blood filled the air, it smelled nothing like the deer or the tiger she previously hunted. She licked her lips and braced herself to pounce on them as they opened the door, but the chains kept her in place. "Patience little beast, you will get a snack soon,'' the guards chuckled. They twisted her arms behind her back and handcuffed them, then she was dragged to a different room in the laboratory. The room was large and sealed with medical equipment and many vials of chemicals filled the tables in the centre. There was something chained against the wall. A man, and he was human, middle aged. The smell of his blood was thick and inviting, she was starving. "Hello my dear" Mr. Collins called her his face beaming with happiness. "I believe you must want to regain your energy?" nodding towards the human he smiled, "you have been such a good girl, Daddy has brought you a present. I hope you enjoy him." As soon as he said that the guards that were holding her chains uncuffed her, even though she did not want to hurt the human, she did not want to disappoint Me. Collins either. "I'm sorry," she whispered before she attacked, sinking her razor-sharp fangs into his mouth and drinking his sweet blood to thaw her thirst.


Henrik was confused at first, he knew about the supernatural world and how these majestic beasts called vampires dominated it. He also knew that many hunters did not hunt out in open air with human witnesses. But what confused him even more was the child; this young vampire was brought to him half transformed after the end of her first life. She went home with her family, but whoever this man was he was not part of that large family. Something was not right and he could not concentrate hard enough to figure out what was going on. His heart thudded against his ribcage as agonising pain consumed him. Fire, he was on fire. His whole body was consumed with pain. But he could not do anything, his muscles were locked tight not only by the shackles that chained him but by his body itself.

The transformation gradually took place, spreading fire in his body as the venom spread through his veins to every muscle and eventually his heart. Which stopped beating, freezing him in time, the burning sensation was finally subdued. And he opened his eyes to a dynamic world.  


Three whole months passed by the same routine went on, her father would keep her in the green room, with her comfortable bed and all the facilities were provided. Every afternoon he performed various experiments on her, using her blood. While her day was filled with training with Henrik, the elderly man was just like her now, a vampire. But something was strange about the doctor, even when they trained together, he could not physically hurt her. Every time he came close to hurting her, he would get a nasty burn where their skin met. 

Soon she started to realise that they weren't just in an underground laboratory, because it connected to the surface where it looked as one building, most probably mistaken for a company. However, underground it was a whole enormous city. Everyone who worked at the "star innovations" company and its laboratories lived down here with their families. And there were over a million residences. And the man who calls himself her father is its ruler.

As usual today she was escorted by her guards to her father's laboratory where there were many scientists working on various scientific projects for her father. One of them was Mr. Collins' favourite scientist, and her worst nightmare. Dr . Carter, she despised him so much, it's been almost a year since she arrived here, though she could not remember her past, she knew that there must not be another scientist who is as insane and inhumane as he. He did not care about what he did to his "specimens' ' as he called her, all he wanted to do was conduct his experiments. He would not bother to greet her, he would simply tell her to change into a hospital gown and make her lie down in a bed while he poked and tested her. Everyday he would not forget to take a sample of blood from her. 

After her testing's she would usually feel extremely exhausted and she would be escorted back to her suite which was a plain white room, containing many machines to test her. And in the centre was a single cylindrical tube. It opened as it sensed her close proximity where she laid down on the white sheets and puffed up the pillows. Her eyes are heavy from the drugs injected into her system. She fell asleep as her venom repaired the damage done to her body.

Her mind was filled with various dreams, women screaming. Then various conversations between her and different people. What was happening? Her magic roared alive. Sparking in the tips of her fingers. She heard screams out of her casket, and a million hearts beating to different frantic beats.

Mr. Collins, realised that the stupid doctor had messed up his many years of hard work the minute soldiers appeared on his office doors, "what the hell happened?" he demanded furiously. "An attack sir, the virus is spreading we got to go." They dragged him out, "get the girl!" he screamed furiously, but no one gave an ear to his request. They loaded him to a helicopter and took him straight into a safe house. 

The virus spread through the doors and found its way through the lab, dominating anyone who inhaled it. The red pigment spread through the air, inhaled by them turning them into a ferocious beast who knew nothing but about blood lust. Craving for fresh meat to consume. They clawed at each other searching for a way to quench their thirst.

People in the laboratory and everyone in the office started to panic as the fire alarm rang through the company. Warning them of the coming danger. At first everyone thought it was just an unannounced drill. They did not take much of a notice. That was until the first of the undead appeared. They were ferocious beasts, with crimson eyes and pale skin and all their teeth elongated to make sharp fangs. They hissed and clawed to get to their prey. No one stood a chance of survival, with the beasts having in human speed and strength soon the entire lab was dominated by shadows.

The news of the apocalypse spread like wildfire among the underground city, but people there were helpless, soon there was no electricity, no cell reception, people living were trapped as helpless victims of any power-hungry man might be. 

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