Chapter 5

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Henrik , was confused in what had happened but the children were back , he assumed they knew what was going on , after exchanging stories with them about how Collins arrived at the hospital to find out everyone who came to contact with Amelia and make them into one of the walking dead so that her identity would remain a secret. He was the lucky one , who became the test dummy and managed to survive with Amy's help, if not she would have been just like the others, nothing but a dumb puppet, who was controlled by the virus.

Now that they knew Collins plans to take over the underground city , their only problem was that they still could not find the anti virus. But time was running out, soon they heard growls and clawing noises from the other end of the wall. The glass was being hit by the other end, a screeching noise like someone was dragging their nails over the glass echoed through the room. It left their sensitive ears ringing with pain. "We have to get out of here!" Ender urged the other's heart pounding beneath his skiing in fear. He wiped his clammy hands on his trousers nervously , then aimed his gun ready to shoot the dead.

"I have a plan, I'll make a diversion and you guys go searching for the antivirus" she nodded at the boys, but just as she was about to make her way to the door , a tight grip on her hand stopped her. She looked up to meet a pair of blazing green eyes looking down at her filled with worry. "No ! I won't let you get hurt again." Zaiden shook his head , his muscles were tense underneath the leather , "we will do this together." she felt uncomfortable not about Zaiden's protectiveness. She frowned , "please Zaiden , we don't have time to argue over this!" she growled in determination trying to prove her point. Zaiden sighed then nodded, "be careful" he brushed a lock of her ebony hair behind her ear. "We'll meet you on the other side" Ender cheered.


Hendrick and Amelia stepped out to the corridor shooting the zombies that were crowding over in the area, snarls and growls rippled through the air. The walking dead were not patient when they scented fresh blood. They clawed and pushed over each other trying to reach them all at once with gave her a perfect idea, she took out one of her daggers and slash her palm open shimmering gold blood pooled in her palm dripping along her arm , the scent of cinnamon and chocolate coated the air, she realised that the scent of her blood had changed , after her binding with the virus. The walking dead rushed towards them as one tripped over each other to reach her , "run Henrik run!" , when he looked as if he was hesitating she pushed him and screamed at him to run. She watched his figure disappear around the corner , just as clawed hands grabbed her from behind. 

Everything was pin drop silent , the mob had disappeared and taken Amy , with them, if she was still alive he did not know. What was he going to tell the others , the prince was going to shred him if he went now it was clear that when he looked at Amelia they were soul mates. It did not matter he owed her his life; without her he would not be here, so he gathered his courage and left towards the labs. 

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