Chapter 3

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It was almost three months since her sister was kidnapped, Clary never felt the same. In the first few weeks she used to walk by her sisters' bedroom, or knock on her door to check on her as she always has. But every unanswered knock, and new house became a painful reminder of Amy's absence. Zaiden changed as well, the loss of his fated soul mate became unbearable for him. He pretended to have hope, he kept searching for her. But every search ended up being fruitless and she could see the dark circles in his pale skin from lack of sleep. And how quick he lost his temper. It seemed like a part of Zaiden died along with her.  

He pushed himself into endless training sessions, and by the end he had perfect control over his powers. Sometimes she would wake up at night to hear the gentle strings of his guitar playing, that was the only way he escaped reality. Her boyfriend was very supportive as well, and Esme and all her family were there for her Carlisle, threw himself to research as well trying to get some info regarding her disappearance.

One Sunday afternoon Jessica and Clary were watching tv, Ender and Zaiden were bent over some new science project with their father and her boyfriend Liam was helping their mom to set up dinner. When breaking news interrupted their movie.


A sudden apocalypse breakout from the medical company "star innovations", due to an experiment failure.

Last night, due to an experiment failure, a virus built in the laboratories of "star innovations" was leaked out into the underground laboratories and has infected almost all staff members and half the city populations, creating these inhuman, flesh eating beasts that terrorise the city at the present moment. All people are informed to remain calm and safe inside their houses till authorities of the USA come with further notice.

The company owner, chairman Alexander Collins, has disappeared without trace, "was he caught in one of these deadly stampedes of the undead or did he escape?" stay tuned for more news.  

An uncomfortable silence descended upon the room when the news ended, Clary felt a rush of emotions, this was the man who ruined her already miserable life, by kidnapping her beloved sister. Leaving her family broken. And now he has ruined a whole city. She wiped her cheeks which were coated with hot tears of pain and anger. She could not bear it any longer.

"Clary," Jessica whispered knowing how sensitive this news must be to her friend, but Clary just brushed her aside and left the room. A few seconds later everyone came out of the shock received by the news. "Daddy?" she looked up at her father expectantly.

Carlisle looked at his family, "there is nothing much we can do, but I need you to get me one of these infected creatures so we can test them to see how they came to be and if they are dangerous to us as well." He nodded at the two older boys and left to study.

Jessica looked up expectantly at the others, Zaiden looked at Ender, "Let's get ready, we won't come back until we find one of these mutants". He went to his room to get prepared for the hunt. He wore his special combat suit, which was made of leather and was bullet proof, and also had many guns, bullets and many other types of weaponry. It also had a spot to hold his very own weapon. It was a double-edged sword, made from pure diamond and could cut through anything. After putting on his combat boots and gloves he went downstairs to meet his friends. 

Ender, Zaiden and Carlisle bid the girls and Liam goodbye and left the house. The sky darkened and Zaiden grew tense with time. The city was crowded with many authorities trying to settle down the panicked citizens as the creatures attacked them with inhuman speed. With each bite more and more shadows were formed. "We have to find a way to get in." Carlisle said to them, "let's spread out remember to search for the antivirus". Ender and Zaiden moved towards the second entry while their father went to the first. The building was a mess, the floor was covered in crimson liquid and the glass was shattered, "do you think anyone is there?" Ender questioned him silently. Zaiden shook his head and continued to move forward silently. People were dead, the floor was littered with bodies tangled in all angles. Ender's nose wrinkled at the sight of them. Suddenly, Zaiden's sensitive ears picked up movement from the corridors. He signalled his brother to stop. 

They watched silently as a swarm of the undead crawled over, they were dragging a lifeless body clawing at it trying to quench their blood lust. The boys armed themselves, Zaiden's body tensed and disgust filled him, beside him Ender made gagging noises. "Come on, and keep quiet", he dragged his brother as they managed to leave the site undetected. They reached the lift by then, "up?" Ender asked and he nodded. But using the lift was a terrible idea, the minute its doors opened they were greeted by a growling swarm of the undead, they immediately picked up their scents and tried to get a good swipe at them. But Zaiden was faster, shooting the first few as the doors closed while pulling his brother, they ran up the stairs, but they were not far behind them. "hurry!" They came across a corridor, the lights kept flickering on and off as the temperature dropped beyond normal. The corridors were empty, there was not a soul at site. Zaiden spread his powers trying to detect any form of life in the building. But so far all he felt was the thrumming energy of the undead.

They searched around, till finally they came to a sealed door, Ender nudged against it, and let out a grunt when it did not budge, he looked up helplessly at Zaiden, who gave him a cocky grin and simply touched it with his destruction powers. The door creaked open, people were dead everywhere. "What the hell?" Ender cursed under his breath. They moved slowly but he suddenly stopped dead, "what?" Zaiden whispered, Ender shook his head, and looked up at him in fear. He moved around his brother to see what had made him give such a bad reaction. He froze, there was a middle-aged woman, she was sitting and enjoying something so intensely that she was unaware of them. "a person," Ender choked, it was true the women were eating the person at her feet, blood was splattered on the floor everywhere. Zaiden cursed silently and lifted up his gun and shot the zombie dead. "Come on! move it." they walked silently over the bodies, their footsteps echoing through the empty hallway. They arrived at a pathway that leads to the next section of the laboratories. A strange chill brushed past them making them shiver in response.  

A sudden clink echoed through the hallway, a shiver crawled down his spine, they were soon approached by a few of the walking dead. The bodies were covered in several wounds where the flesh was rotting and blood was oozing out of them. Their eyes were crimson in colour and their mouths were filled with fangs, hissing as they approached. The boys immediately fell into action, "shoot", Zaiden commanded. Gunshots echoed as they took down the walking dead one by one. but time was running out, Ender used his alloy powers to create a beast of metal to keep the walking dead entertained. "Run!" Zaiden ran along with his brother in vampire speed, his muscles pumping and vision expanding so that he did not knock on anything they did not stop until they ended up in front of a sealed door. "break it!" Soon they entered a room that looked very much like a laboratory. The room was filled with machines, and all sorts of equipment. But a familiar feeling settled within Zaiden, a feeling he did not feel after Amelia was kidnapped. 

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