17 | underwater kiss

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As soon as the words "let's go skinny dipping," leave Leonard's mouth, he regrets them. It's instantaneous; he's blushing, she's blushing, and he wishes quicksand was more commonplace than it actually is. Because, then, they'd both have bigger problems then whatever spilled out of his mouth, on a whim, by mistake.

Stacey won't stop looking at him, and god he wants to die, until she pulls her shirt over her head.

And then she's unbuttoning her shorts, and fidgeting with her bra clasp, and Leonard quickly pulls off his own clothes so she won't have to be the only one naked in the dark.

Stacey is the only person in the world who folds her clothes before jumping into lakes, and Leonard is the only person in the world who feels like he should fold his clothes before jumping into lakes, because that's the kind of temporary insanity he experiences whenever she's in proximity. He'll plunge into the icy water just for the idea of her, nude, beside him (because Leonard is far too kind to peek).

Before they leap, Stacey grabs his hand. He holds it, tight. They're still holding hands when they hit the water, and her fingers on his palm are the only thing he feels. It's like that part of his hand is made out of thousands of tiny electric sparks, buzzing and alive in the cold.

They open their eyes at the same time, which must be some kind of destiny.

And even though everything is the same shade of black, they know exactly where to find the other's lips.

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