🌼🥀・Actress' Diary (198Nights)

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A/N: im just gonna say I'm really really really sorry for not putting this out sooner. This request is over 4 months old. I finished this imagine a while ago, but I put off publishing it because of the other chapter I published last month. I didn't wanna post them so close to each other in time. Then, when I was actually planning to post it, the app decided to be a pain in the ass, and not let me post it. I'd tap the publish button and nothing would happen. Thank you so much to the users on my community board for suggestions on how to fix this. If you're reading this a/n right now, then the chapter is finally published! Again, I'm so so sorry!!

Warnings: I actually don't know? None?

Pairing(s):  1989 x Midnights

Requested: yes (vi__ivy )
fake dating one is finally out 😭

HIGH SCHOOL AU + diary entries


1989's POV

November 7:

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

For the last few days, Midnights said that we'd "be together." I don't exactly know what she means, but she keeps dragging me around everywhere, taking my hand whenever this guy is around, and making sure PDA is always shown when he's near too.

Does this mean we're like... together together? Is this how dating works?

"Yeah. Just go along with it." Midnights answered.

Midnights has never really been one to explain things. She's just does things. Sometimes she doesn't need or even have an explanation.


November 9:

Okay, so no. We're not dating. She described it as an "act" to essentially make her ex, that one dude we always show PDA around, jealous. I don't why, and she doesn't seem to know either.

One thing I still haven't grasped yet is why she chose me to do this with. She'd always claim it was because of my acting skills, (which I admit, don't really stand out), but why couldn't she have just played it up with some theater kid? Why me?

I don't even know what I've gotten myself into.


November 13:

I've come to learn that Midnights' ex-boyfriend's name is Bryan. We wouldn't have seen him around often, but Midnights always finds a way to track his location. Should I be concerned?

However, Midnights and I were at the bus stop earlier, finally about to separate for the day after an exhausting 8 hours.

"Shit," Midnights said out of the blue, "Why's he here?"

I snapped my head around to spot a group of a few guys, two of which I recognize as members of the track team, and the other none other than Bryan himself.

Midnights quickly slithered her arm around my waist, leading me to a nearby bench.

To summarize it, she basically pulled me into an abrupt kiss, making sure Bryan could see, hear, and almost feel it. I didn't know whether to be disgusted or fascinated...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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