🥀・Good Luck, Babe! (198Nights)

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"You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling..."
Now Playing: Good Luck, Babe! - Chappell Roan

A/N: Sorry for the really inconsistent updates; I haven't had proper motivation in a few months. But I'm back now! Also, this song has been stuck in my head since it came out.

Warnings: sad.
Pairing(s): 1989 x Midnights
Requested: yes ( cuzjun )
(this isn't the fake dating one, sorry! 😭)

("You" refers to Midnights.
Spoiler?? This one shot is highly inspired by the bridge of the "Good Luck, Babe" by Chappell Roan.)


1989's POV

You've always been a strong fighter. However, if your armor ever broke, I'd be there to help you fix it up. This time, not only did it break, it shattered.

But it wasn't anything that we couldn't fix together.

"Hey, Nine?"
"Thank you... for everything"

It was the first time you smiled that week. And it was because of me. I made you smile.

"Don't thank me, Mid... You deserve this. You deserve to be cared for and loved."

I pulled you into a tight hug, knowing you needed it. You had been through hell these past few years, and I wasn't planning on leaving your side. There's nothing more I'd want than to be with you every second of the day, even if it meant that I'd be missing out on all the fun in the outside world. In that moment, you were all that mattered.

You let out a small yawn, and before we knew it, we were out...


I was awoken by shuffling on the opposite side of the bed, followed by soft snores.

On my right was my nightstand. My phone was still on, displaying a photo of us. I turned it off. All I could do was silently smile at the fading screen.

Not long after, the covers were cautiously thrown off of my body as I was careful not to make any unnecessary noises or movements. Sleep is not something to be tempered with.

Beep, beep, beep!


I shuffled frantically to get to my phone again as I heard groaning from the other side of the bed.

"Shhh... go back to bed. It's just an alarm-"

I hesitated to say any pet names, but ultimately, I didn't. Was it even appropriate? Would you be okay with it after all of this?

With my head in my hands, I let out a silent exhale. I sat up straight again, stared at my hands, and toyed with the expensive metal on my left one.

I'll always remember that day.

As you'd say, I got my ass out of bed. I still chuckle at the thought of you saying it out loud with your grumpy voice. You haven't used it in a while.

I took a second glance at the bedroom again, my eyes roaming the sleeping figure before I grabbed my bag and shut the door on my way out. I don't know if you even realize that I do this almost every other week. And I guess... I'll never really know.

Downstairs, I quickly put my coat on and snatched my keys, leaving the house for God knows how long. I don't check clocks anymore. I don't check watches, and honestly, time started to matter less to me. If I stared at a clock, time would slow down. I don't want that to happen.

I turned my keys, and a loud rumble came from the engine.


The drive felt long, despite my resistance to check the time. Even if I had, I'd disregard it anyways. Why do people even bother with time? It's not like anyone can stop it or manipulate it. It's nothing more than a mere concept that's just really important to a lot of people.

I drove up to a curb, putting my car into park.

Deep breathing has really been helping me when I can't sleep, and going to this location, of course. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to find my peace of mind once again. It's like the only time I get to truly relax is at this time, where the moon is the substitute for the sun who awaits its own rising in hours to come.

The view outside the car window was nothing short of a green field adorned with many stones and some flowers, darkened due to the night sky. It's like every few stones had their own bouquet. These stones weren't the type to skip across shores, but I wish they were.

I opened the door before stepping out, taking in the scenery and aroma of fresh grass. The door was quickly shut though as I followed a path, just scanning over the stones, like they had their own stories.

Technically, this isn't true, but I like to think that people named these rocks and wrote it on them. It makes it  seem a little less... uneasy.

I don't dare to think what's under the ground though. A fresh, almost pristine field like this one would basically be made for keeping things under the grass...

I smile as I see a stone with your name on it, my nightgown wrinkling as I crouch down to look it.

I chuckled, bringing my hand to gently run over the neatly kept rock.

"Hi, baby. I love you," I whispered. Crickets chirped a bit louder as if you were responding; although, I would have preferred your voice despite everything.

Everything grew glossy as I saw it, my eyes feeling more damp than moments before. I let out another small laugh, "You know I never stopped loving you, right?"

On a typical night, the soft chirping of birds would scare me, but tonight, it didn't matter.

"Maybe you were right. Maybe if I had stopped the world, I could've been able to stop these feelings."
I always reminisce on how you'd tease me if ever showed a little too much affection. You always loved it though.

I... We sat in silence for a little longer. I couldn't help but think you were still teasing me right at this moment, as if you were saying "I told you so."

"I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner. I really wish I did..." I sighed as ran the back of my hand just below my eyes, "I just... I just wish it didn't have to be like this."

I stared at your name engraved in the stone, tracing my index finger along the indents.

"But I guess we can't change anything now, huh?" A small, tearful chuckle left my lips, "I know you'd hate to see me like this. I'm sorry."

I swiped the back of my hand across my upper cheek again, putting on a smile. Just for you.

"You know, I kept all your lighters. They still work great by the way." I smiled softly. You were so excited when I asked you about your collection for the first time. I'll never forget how you'd light up when someone evened mentioned it.

My eyes started to wander around the area as the wind picked up a bit. I wrapped my arms around your stone, closing my eyes and relaxing for the first time since I visited you weeks ago.

"I love you, baby. Always."
I placed one last gentle kiss to your name, silently hoping that you'd somehow felt it.

Words: 1.3k
A/N: I'm gonna take this time to apologize. Whoopsies. 90% of 198Nights oneshots are gut-wrenching angst, and I didn't wanna add to it, but my mind betrayed me this time- If you want, I'll write a short fluff for 198Nights to make up for this.

I originally was gonna just finish two requests in one, but when I tell you my motivation fucking collapsed after day two- I'll definitely finish it by mid-august though. No doubt. So yeah, I'm still working on the fake dating one, so I'm really sorry to the person who requested it! I'll try to get that done as fast as I can with this irregular motivation pattern. Deepest apologies.

As always, thank you for taking time to read this barely proofread oneshot!

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