Red Alert

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Another new day, Another great adventure. Gojo Satoru had swore the last time that he'd do anything other than go on another mission with miss. Prim and proper was going to be never, but here he is, walking along a deserted forest trail, his senpai in tow behind him.

At Least he didn't fall face first on her boobs like the last time. He couldn't sleep at nights after that because that memory kept haunting him in his dreams. (nightmares.)

The mission was more or less completed, they exorcised the curse, put down the veil, evacuated the civilians. After surrendering two little kids aged nine and eleven whose parents were killed by the curse to the police, Gojo and Utahime were making their way back to the car. 

The mission that was assigned to them was located in an abandoned but beautiful mansion right in the middle of a small floating island, some miles away from the Tokyo mainland. The manor was built fifty years back by some rich architect for his wife, who died long back. The old man had been living there until his own death last year. Since then, numerous cases have been reported, consisting of uncertain deaths of family members who rented out the manor as a beach villa.

“We would have made it out early if you wouldn't have wasted so much time, Utahime.” He said, walking ahead of his senpai, stepping over a moist fallen log

“I wasn't wasting time. I was helping some kids who just lost their parents in a curse attack, you idiot.” She replied.

“Helping them do what? Stop crying ? Gosh Utahime, they should learn how to do that themselves.”

“Do you have any sympathy for people, Or does that huge ego of yours take up all the space in your wrenched heart?” She shot back at him. 

“That's the problem with you, Utahime. You're too kind.”

“And you're too wicked. Try thinking for people beneath you, sometimes.”

“That's not my job.” He said, dodging an uneven rock on the ground, lest he would have fallen. “Looking out for the weak is tiring. They ought to learn to take care of themselves and not depend on us for everything , you know.”

Suguru would totally reprimand him for the way he spoke right now.

But he believes what he says, even though his senpai might think of him as insensitive, but he doesn't care. Why would he care about what Utahime thinks of him anyways?

“The strongest always look out for the weak, and I think that's enough. They shouldn't be needing us around to wipe away their tears.” Gojo continued. They were near the forest clearing, and they had to walk to the main road up ahead to meet up with their assistant manager, who'd take them back to Tokyo.

Gojo turned around, curious because Utahime hadn't said a single word during his monologue. She always had something to say before, why is she so quiet now?

There stood Utahime, rooted to the spot she last saw her at, rummaging through her bag. Was she trying to find something?

Smiling to himself, Gojo pocketed his hands, and walked over to her.

Utahime didn't realise this until his tall figure loomed down on her.

“What'chu got there, senpai?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.

She looked up from her bag, and hid it behind her back. “Nothing.”

“Huh? Weren't you tryna find something?” He turned to see his senpai walking up ahead.

“I told you, it's nothing. Let's go, we'll be late then.” 

She walked on in front, and Gojo shrugged, following her from behind.

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