Not Your Usual Hogwarts.

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A Harry Potter and Jujutsu kaisen crossover. Yuuji as the boy who lived and Gojo and Utahime as the head of Gryffindor and Slytherin houses respectively. Enjoy~

The boy who lived. The chosen one. He was known by many names, however his friends knew him as just Yuuji Itadori, an eleven year old gryffindor in his first year at Hogwarts. 

As Megumi Fushiguro leaned on the beds edge in the infirmary, he saw his friend groaning in pain, holding up his arm which was dangling over to the right in an impossible position. It looked ugly, and so did Yuuji, the tips of his pink hair brown with dirt, and fresh mud prints and grim decorated his red quidditch robes. He groaned in pain once more, holding his arm awkwardly, as Fushiguro looked around the infirmary.

“Just where is Miss Ieiri?” He muttered to himself.

“I checked the staff lounge. She's not there either.” Kugisaki replied. She stood forward holding Yuuji's precious Nimbus 2000 tight in her grip.

“Looking for Miss Ieiri ? I'm afraid she isn't here. She took a leave for another three days, Yuuji.”

“Professor Gojo!” Yuuji shot up, but groaned again, grabbing his broken arm.

“Don't giddy up, you idiot!” Kugisaki scolded him.

“Professor, could you do something?” Fushiguro looked towards Gojo, who invited himself into the infirmary (shoko would be disastrous.) and strided forward towards Yuuji's bed.

“Ahhh …. Broken limbs and bones are normal for a quidditch player, Yuuji. You need to get used to it.”

“He's in pain, Professor.”

“Pain doesn't matter! What matters is that we won, Yuuji! All thanks to you! I knew you'd make an excellent seeker.”

“Can you, or can you not fix his limbs, Professor Gojo?”

Their Professor laughed awkwardly, scratching his nape. “I'm afraid not. The last time I tried fixing someone's bones, I vanished it instead for good. Had a good laugh over it though.”

Now mind you, as pathetic as he sounds,Professor Gojo wasn't an ordinary teacher. He was eccentric, yes; weird in various ways, but he was undoubtedly also the wisest, strongest wizard Hogwarts had ever been blessed with. People didn't call him the ‘honoured one' for nothing , you know. Some people say that he was insisted on becoming the Minister of Magic once, but he refused, saying that his interest lay elsewhere. By ‘elsewhere’ he meant becoming the Head of the gryffindor house and an excellent transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts. People also talked about his legendary duel against The one and only Geto Suguru in 1945, which led to the latter's imprisonment in nuremberg. (Fushiguro memorised all those dates because Yuuji and Nobara are too dumb.) 

So, summing everything up, Satoru Gojo is a powerful, excellent wizard. Anybody who'd see him the way he was behaving at the moment might disagree, but you know what I mean.

Fushiguro crossed his arms at his chest. “Aren't you going to do anything, Professor? At Least try and summon another teacher.”

“Yeah! Yuuji just won against Slytherin this time! You know what that means right? We haven't won against Slytherin in such a long time, at least he deserves good medical assistance.” Kugisaki chirped.

Professor Gojo breathed out a sigh, shrugging. “Maybe you do. Let's see….”

He pondered for a while before striking his index in the air. “Aha! I know just the person. But first…”

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