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diclaimer: i dislike joe and kayla, but for the plot, ive made them nice people. honestly it was so hard to write them when theyre not scumbags. i'm fully a tayvis person inside and out and i hated having to write scenes with joe and kayla, so don't come for me kay

edit: fuck it, i wrote like 3 parts and am already bored of making kayla and joe nice, im not gonna do that anymore

"Oh my god!" I clapped a few times in excitement as the car slowed down and stopped against the curb. "There it is! That's our house!" Smiling out the open window, I looked up at the little two-story houses waiting for us. It was so perfect. 

"All ready and waiting for us." Joe reached over and took my hand. I looked at him with a smile. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Now come on! We have so much to do!"

Jumping out of the car, I ran up the little path through the front lawn to the door. Joe laughed at me, following at a normal pace as I took the key and unlocked the door for the very first time. I was so excited that we'd finally found the house of our dreams, that our lives as a married couple could finally start. We'd worked through so much to get where we were today, and it was finally falling into place.

"Babe the van's here!" Joe called into the house from out the front and I turned from where I stood at the end of the hallway, going back down to the door. I leaned against the doorway, smiling as I saw the moving van pulling into our driveway. The driver got out and started talking to Joe, discussing something I couldn't hear from where I stood.

I smiled to myself, looking around the little cul-de-sac that was now our home. My gaze drifted to the left, over to the house next door as a car pulled in and stopped. Two people got out; a short, dark skinned woman and a tall man that towered over her. They were talking quietly as they walked up to their front door, and she fumbled with the keys as he waited for her. Then he looked up, catching me as I watched them curiously. I smiled, a little embarrassed that I'd been caught, and shifted my hand up in a friendly wave in their direction. He lifted a hand, giving a little wave back before the woman with him said something and he glanced back over to her.

"Babe." Joe said, and I looked over at him where he was watching me. "You want to start getting everything inside now?"

"Yeah." I nodded, shrugging off the edge of the door.

With the help of the moving guys, Joe and I took everything from the van and the car into our new house. It only took us about an hour to move everything inside, but it took us the whole rest of the day to put it all where it was meant to go. But it was a lot of fun, exciting to know that we'd make so many memories in this house, hopefully start our family. 

We opened up the house and the summer air flowed in, lighting up the rooms with afternoon light as we shifted around furniture and boxes.

We mostly focused on our bedroom, unpacking everything into the upstairs room and setting up the bed so that we'd have somewhere to sleep while we unpacked around the rest of the house. I loved our bedroom. It had a little skylight, a walk in wardrobe, and a big window on the far wall that looked down over the little strip of grass before it hit the fence of the house next to ours. I looked over the fence at that house, noticing that their second floor window perfectly aligned with ours. The curtains were open, giving me a direct view into their bedroom. Giving them a direct view into ours.

"Huh." Joe said from behind me and I glanced over to see him watching me looking out the window. "How'd we not notice that before?" I shrugged.

"No big deal, just make sure we close the curtains." I said, and he nodded. It wasn't a dealbreaker. I turned away from the window. 

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