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To celebrate our first night working in Las Vegas, I took Ali to the Bellagio when the sun had dipped down in the sky to cast evening upon the city. The branch was close knit with the owner, so it only made sense to pay him a visit as soon as we got to the city.

"Are you sure I look okay?" Ali whined as I opened the car door for her, tugging on the skirt of her dark blue dress. "And don't lie."

"For the fifteenth time doll, you look absolutely incredible." I murmured, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, exposing the diamond earrings I'd picked out earlier. "You'll have every man on their knees in front of you."

"Only man I want on his knees in front of me is you." She winked at me playfully.

I smiled, leading her through the huge glass doors of the tremendous building. The place was as spectacular as ever; glittering with wealth and spilling over with people staying in the hotel and blowing their money in the casino. Familiar with the place, I led Ali down the huge front hallway, our security tailing casually behind us. No one would dare to pull anything here, but you could never be too careful.

"So what's the owner like?" My wife asked me, gesturing around her. 

"He's..." I paused. "A little arrogant, but he gets shit done. He's not my favorite person in the world, but we get along fine for business. I haven't really had much to do with him until now." I shrugged, and then glanced at Ali. "He is a little sexist though."

"That's fine." She lifted her chin. "It's always fun putting a sexist asshole in his place."

"Atta girl doll." I smiled proudly at her. "Not too much though. Nothing too direct; we need him on our side. But you defend the hell out of yourself because no one takes a shot at my wife." Shooting her a wink, I stopped at the bottom of a guarded staircase. "Mr and Mrs Gray." I announced to the two security guards standing there. 

They parted, and Ali and I walked up the stairs. At the top just off to the right there was another security guard standing in front of a closed door, but he opened it as we approached. I gave him a small nod, walking in first with Ali close behind me. She turned to close the door as the man behind the desk stood up, smiling in greeting.

But then Ali turned around, and the warm smile on her face dropped in an instant. Her blue eyes widened, staring at the man who looked at her like he'd seen a ghost. Ali's hand tightened, gripping mine like she was trying to rip it right off my wrist.

"Taylor?" Scott whispered in disbelief, and I blinked at Ali. She knew him?

"Dad." She breathed, and my eyes widened. What the fuck.

"Sweetheart..." Scott started to say, and Ali's jaw clenched.

"You don't get to call me that anymore." She said bluntly. "It's Alison." Scott chuckled.

"I guess your mom always did call you Ali. You were bound to pick up the name eventually."

"No." My wife shook her head. "People I trust call me Ali. You can call me Alison, or Mrs Gray. Whatever you prefer."

Damn. I fell in love with her just a little more every time she showed her bite. It was hot as hell.

"Look." Scott composed himself with a sigh. "I'm so sorry. I know what I did hurt you, but..."

"But what?" Ali took a step towards her father, letting go of my had. "It's been fifteen years Scott." I saw the man flinch at the use of his first name. "You never called, never reached out. Just packed up one day and left us for a woman who was young enough to be my damn sister." Shit, family drama indeed. "Did you even try to find me? It wouldn't have been that hard." She folded her arms. "Did you know I made it as a music producer? You always said I'd do it. Did you know I married Joe? Had a daughter?" I didn't like the mention of her ex-husband, but I stayed silent. 

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