twenty nine

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i don't know shit about medical stuff, so if anything is inaccurate, just ignore that xx


Jess came back five minutes later with an ultrasound machine, and I clutched Travis' hand tightly as she ran it over my stomach. The screen was turned away so I couldn't see, but I was glad for that. 

"Well you're not pregnant." Jess murmured, and a rush of relief washed through me. As much as I desperately wanted to have a baby, I was so glad that I wasn't pregnant right now. I probably would have lost the baby after this. "But there is something." She pressed the wand where it hurt the most and I winced, trying not to make a sound. "The stab wound has caused one of your ovaries to rupture, and it looks like you've got a bit of internal bleeding."

"What does that mean?" Ali asked.

"It means we need to get you into surgery, right now. We need to stop the bleeding and get this under control." Jess told her. "There is a risk it will affect your ability to have children, but this can be life-threatening if we don't operate."

"How big of a risk?" My wife whispered, somehow clutching my hand even tighter.

"Ten to fifteen percent."

"Baby doll you have to do it." I told her. "You'll be alright, I promise." Ali sniffed but nodded, knowing she didn't have another choice. It was either most likely death, or a slight risk of never having children. Such a hard choice, but the answer was obvious.

And just like that, she was taken into surgery. I watched her go, feeling helpless as her tear stained face vanished through a door, and Ali smiled very weakly at me just before I couldn't see her anymore. My heart felt so heavy. I just wished I could have found her sooner, or she hadn't gone home that day when she did, or any of this fucked up shit didn't happen. We both knew the risks that came with our jobs, but this was far more than I'd ever expected. I'd almost lost her twice since I'd brought her here.

Part of me wondered if she'd be better off going back to her old life, but I was selfish and I knew I couldn't live without her. In order for me to get out, I'd have to leave the continent and start over somewhere new. But maybe we'd have to. Ali had almost died because of me. 

I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to figure it out.

I sat in the waiting room for hours, twisting my hands together while I waited. Nothing terrified me more than sitting there uselessly, but it was all I could do. Ali was out of my hands right now. I just sat there, praying to any god that might exist for her to be okay.

"Mr Gray?" I looked up at the sound of my name to see a male doctor. "Your wife is out of surgery. It went well, and she's resting now. I can take you to her if you'd like."

"Yes." I nodded, quickly getting to my feet.

He led me through some doors, down through hallways until stopping outside a door. I mumbled my thanks as I opened the door, stepping inside and pushing it closed. Ali was fast asleep in a hospital bed, an IV in her arm and a blanket over her legs. She'd been cleaned up and still looked pretty bruised, but better. I sighed in relief, dropping into the chair next to her and taking her hand.

"I'm so sorry doll." I murmured. "I'll never let anything like this happen to you again." Stroking the back of her hand, I kissed her fingers. "I can't risk you again." I sighed. "We should go somewhere no one can ever find us. Maybe we could be safe somewhere else."

I couldn't keep her in Las Vegas. We'd go somewhere that spoke Spanish, somewhere where no one would know who we were. We'd take Concrete and Andrea, and Ali's brother, and we'd be safe. She'd be safe.

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