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"Fifteen years ago." I mumbled after a few minutes of silence. "Scott cheated on my Mom." Travis showed no reaction, but his hand rubbed my bare shoulder gently. "For months, he was out almost every night seeing this woman only seven years older than me. She was fucking eighteen. And Mom found out. Begged him to stop, to stay, for me and my brother so that our family didn't fall apart. But he left. He took that eighteen-year-old and left the city and we never saw him again."

"I'm sorry Ali." Travis murmured.

"Mom was so upset." I sniffed. "She was okay with him cheating on her, but she wasn't okay with him cheating on us. But he didn't even try to say goodbye. He fought with Mom, and I was watching from the stairs just in case he hurt her. I know he saw me there." Turning, I pressed my face into Travis' neck, seeking out warmth and safety. "He looked right at me and walked out. I never saw him again." A swallow bobbed my throat. "I never understood how he could do that. Look his daughter in the face and leave her for good. I was always such a daddy's girl." I mumbled. "He loved me. Supported me. But he left."

"He doesn't deserve you baby doll." Travis crooned, his arms tightening around me as he hugged me close. 

"I don't care anymore, but it's the fact that he assumed I'd forgive him just because he's my father."

"He tried to convince me to make you see sense." My husband told me. "I basically told him to go fuck himself. He can't speak to you like that. And I'll handle all deals with the Bellagio from now on if that's what you want?"

"Can I think about it?" I lifted my head to look at him. "I'm not sure if I want to be involved, but I also know that I shouldn't let personal things bother me."

"Take your time doll, you can tell me whenever you decide." Travis kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." I whispered. "I love you."

"I love you." Travis kissed my nose, my cheek, my lips. I slipped a hand around his jaw, keeping him there as I kissed him back. Travis sighed, turning me around so that I was pressed against the side of the hot tub, the hot water swirling around us as the jets bubbled.

A sharp moan left my lips as Travis slipped one hand into my hair, the other between my legs. I immediately parted my thighs for him, jerking as he slipped three fingers inside me, filling me tightly. Travis brushed his tongue against my bottom lip as I squirmed with three of his fingers inside me, adjusting to the size. 

"Too much?" He murmured against my lips.

"No!" I whimpered, wriggling a little, desperate for friction. Travis' mouth came down on mine again as he slowly started to work his fingers inside me, heat spreading from where I was dripping for him. Sex in a hot tub had never been something I'd considered, but it was hot as absolute hell. Literally.

"Your pussy feels so good baby doll." My husband groaned. "You're so tight and dripping for me hmm?" I whimpered, wrapping my arms around his neck and clutching him closer. "Not yet." He hummed against my lips as I felt my orgasm looming already. "Only when I tell you doll."

"Fuck!" I moaned. "Please!"

"Please what?" Travis murmured, seeming to enjoy me totally at his mercy.

"Please let me cum!" I whined. "Please!"

"Good girl baby doll." His lips pecked mine again. "Cum for me."

Heat exploded between my thighs, my body bucking as my eyes rolled back in my head. Travis dipped his head to bite gently against my neck, kissing all over my throat and jaw as I came on his hand. 

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