✴ Beautiful As The Stars: Chapter One ✴

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After what feel like forever Lumine, Paimon, and I was walking into the lands of Sumeru "wow this place is beautiful from trees and the animals" Paimon said, We stopped looking up at the statue "now how are we going to get up there" Paimon said as...

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After what feel like forever Lumine, Paimon, and I was walking into the lands of Sumeru "wow this place is beautiful from trees and the animals" Paimon said, We stopped looking up at the statue "now how are we going to get up there" Paimon said as both me and Lumine glared at her "oh right" she giggled nervously "I think. Someone forget she can fly" I whispered to Lumine who nodded after a minute or so not jumping the side of the rocks we was finally on top of the rocks "are you ready Lumine" I asked in a whisper, "yes" she said I watched as she stepped to the status 'all though I have some of my power back I'm still weak in some fighting styles' I thought to myself as Lumine now have the power of Dendro.

I turned my head away from them as I looked around "come on let's try and find the archon of this nation" Paimon said as Lumine nodded both Lumine and I jumped off of the rocks and land on the ground below, I sighed as Lumine looked around "where do we start tho" Lumine said as Paimon looked around "hey someone is over then"  Paimon said as she point the person out. "hey" Paimon yelled out as the someone walked away from us "rude" Paimon said as we walked after the person "I'm sure they are busy with something" I said as we followed them into a cave "hey she is sitting over there" Paimon said, "looks like it" I said "she doesn't live here does she" Paimon said turning to us "I don't know" I said a little annoyed on her questioning "should we ask her about directions again" Paimon said. "maybe it's best not to annoy her" I said as Lumine looked at her "we can give it another shot" she said as I sighed but nodded "sure" I said but before someone stepped to her "oh what is that lovely smell" Paimon said, "it's coming from over there" Paimon added as she pointed to the censer "oh" Lumine said as he hold onto her head "traveler are you alright you don't look to well" Paimon said.

"I don't know I just feel sick" she said as I turned my head to her "feeling sick that's not right" I said as Paimon said something about the smell I watched as Lumine turned around before stopped and shake her head, "hey" I said as Lumine started falling to the ground I moved and grabbed onto her before she can hit the ground "Traveler what's going on answer Paimon" she said as she low herself to me and Lumine. "Traveler wake up please" she said as I eyed her "breath Paimon that's not going to help us right now" I said as I watched tears appear "hey look at me she has being through a lot worse then a smell" I said, "r right" she said "maybe I can be of some help" we heard a voice from in front of us I looked away from Paimon and at young man with big ears of top of his head "please before Paimon here has another freak out" I said as he nodded.

"HEY" Paimon called out as this man helped me with moving Lumine somewhere else after a while we lay her down on a bed up "now she is fine nothing to be worried about" we turned our head to see a young girl with green hair, "are you sure it's not serious" Paimon said as I sighed "Traveler's been out for a while now" she added as I looked back at Lumine who was still asleep "yes she will be fine you can rest easy" the girl said. "Master is the best when it comes to this stuff so it is best if you trust his word" she added "if you are still worried Paimon you can take a look at Traveler who is now waking up" I said making Paimon turn her head to Lumine, "Thank goodness Traveler you are awake you scared Paimon" Paimon said as I giggled "like I said Paimon she will be fine" I said as Paimon eyed the ground "right but still Paimon can't help but worry about you sometime" she added.

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