✴ Beautiful As The Stars: Chapter Two ✴

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After a long sleep I can hear Paimon yelling in my ears "RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEADS" she yelled out making me jump "Paimon I swear do that one more time' I said, "Hehe sorry Dawn" she said "it's time to go find Collei though" she said I got out o...

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After a long sleep I can hear Paimon yelling in my ears "RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEADS" she yelled out making me jump "Paimon I swear do that one more time' I said, "Hehe sorry Dawn" she said "it's time to go find Collei though" she said I got out of bed and fixed up my hair before following behind Lumine "Alright, Next let's see your right hand" we heard Tighnari said as we walked up to them. "Hmm yes not bad" he added "But please remember that you still need to be careful" he said as Collei rubbed the back of her neck "understand?" he said as Collei nodded, "Yes I will" she said "by the way master I still haven't received the petrol route for today" she said "look Collei today's patrol will be a long one" he said.

"So you won't be coming alone this time beside there's a chance we may encounter" he said "well you understand" he added as Collei looked upset "but I have a vision too" she said, "am I useless to everyone now" she added "don't talk like that Collei" he said sound upset about that "this is not something you need to be worrying about right now" he added he turned his head a bit "oh there you guys are. Feeling any better?" he asked Lumine "is there something we can help with?" Lumine asked him "yeah since we will be staying here for now, we thought we might as well try lending a hand around here" Paimon said he chuckled as he stepped to us "hehe seems you're not the type to sit back and take it easy for a while huh" he said.

I giggled 'Nope if you tell me to yell at Lumine and tell her to take it easy she will not listen' I thought "in that case perhaps Collei could take you three for a patrol south of Gandharva Ville for the day" he said, "and if you're feeling up to it you can be responsible for cleaning the statue of the seven all three of us nodded as we noticed someone walking up to us "Tighnari we're ready to head out" he said. "Roger I'll be heading into the forest now" he said before looking at all four of us "I'll leave any further details to Collei" he added "Yes you can count on me" she said, after that he turned away and walked to the young man who was waiting for him we turned back to Collei after he was gone "so Collei what exactly are we going to be doing today?" Paimon questioned.

"Tighnari mentioned cleaning the statue just now" Paimon said "but uh... that doesn't really sound like a job for a ranger" Paimon added "Well a forest ranger's responsibilities can be pretty diverse" she said, "we handle a variety of tasks like checking the condition of the outlying roads, maintaining forest facilities, ensuring fire prevention standards are met, and providing assistance to travelers and locals" she said. I looked over to the hills as Collei was talking "as for master, Well he has to handle more dangerous areas of the rainforest" she added "today we can perform routine checks on the pathway lamps as we make our way to the statue of the seven" Collei said, Collei walked away but turned back to us "Paimon, Traveler, and Dawn this way" she said as we started following behind as we walked we heard Collei again "you can leave the task of checking the lamps to me" she said as we walked.

"In the meantime you three can keep an eye out for anything unusual" she said as we walked down the pathway as we walked up to two lamps Collei checked on them before turning to us, "nothing wrong with these two lamps" she said before turning back around "let's move to the next ones" she said as we walked to the next ones I eyed around us as Collei checked the lamps "oh this lamp seems to be getting a little wobbly" she said before grabbing a note book out. "Let me make a note of it" she said once she was done we started walking to the next one I looked at the lamp as Collei checked it out "Hmm no problem with this lamp good" she said, and then we walked over to the statue of the seven we looked up at the statue "the statue of the seven is up on top of that large rock formation" she said before turning to us "you must have seen it when you came down this before" she said.

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