✴ Beautiful As The Stars: Chapter Three ✴

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After a night sleep all of us got out of bed and fix ourselves up for the day I heard Paimon sigh "Paimon was thinking all night about what happened with Collei," she said as I turned around to her "still can't figure out what the problem might be...

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After a night sleep all of us got out of bed and fix ourselves up for the day I heard Paimon sigh "Paimon was thinking all night about what happened with Collei," she said as I turned around to her "still can't figure out what the problem might be" she added I sighed "I thought I told you to not think to hard into it Paimon" I said to her "Paimon can't help it" she said. "can we come and see her maybe she is in a better mood now... please let's go check on her" she said "alright let's go" I said as Lumine smiled sadly at me, "Ah it's you three. I was just about to go looking for you" Tighnari said as we walked up to him "huh? Tighnari what are you doing here? where's Collei?" Paimon asked him.

"I came to check on Collei's condition. to put simply, she's not wall" he said as we looked over to Collei's room "You mean she's sick?" she asked "how could he be... oh, wait a minute, Could it be because of what Paimon did yesterday" she added "I'm sure she being sick doesn't have something to do with you Paimon" I said as I turned to Tighnari who nodded. "No, no you need to worry, little one Dawn is right though" she said "something as small as you could never do anything to harm her, This sickness is something that Collei has been dealing with for some time now" he said. "Collei has been more excited then usual sense you three arrived - A little too much so, to be honest. She hasn't remembered to take care of herself" he added as he eyed her for a bit he sighed "I suppose it's understandable though, she hasn't been around anyone she considered a friend for some time now" he said.

"It must have been refreshing for her to have you guys here" he said as I turned to Paimon "so, Tighnari what's really wrong with Collei?" she asked "Ahem, let's take this conversation elsewhere. Collei just fall asleep after taking her medicine, she needs some peace and quiet" he said as we nodded we followed Tighnari somewhere away from Collei and her room which was just below her room. Once we stopped Tighnari turned back to us "Alright, let's continue our conversation here, shall we?" he said "to be honest, I hadn't realized that you are that honorary Knight and the starlight knight from Mondstadt until Collei told me just now" he said 'starlight knight is that what people are calling me' I thought, "I've also heard all about your deeds in Liyue and Inazuma" he said "So, just to clarify, what I'm about to tell you about Collei is not because of who you guys are or your past feats" he said, "Instead, I am to tell you because.." he added "well because Collei asked me to" he added as I turned my head to Lumine and Paimon.

"And honestly speaking" he started again making us turn back to him "I was against Collei revealing her past to you" he added as he turned away from us a bit "but she insisted, saying you three treated her with sincerity and as a friend. so now she wishes to reciprocate the gesture" he added as he turned his head to us, "So Tighnari, what exactly is wrong with Collei?" Paimon asked as Lumine looked like she was thinking about something "you said this is something that she's been dealing with for some time now" Paimon added "just how serious it is?" she asked "Right" he said before turning to us "ever since she was a child, she's been afflicted with a disease called Eleazar" he said "Eleazar?" Paimon questioned as Tighnari nodded "yes, it's a disease unique to lands of Sumeru. It is characterized by dark and hardened scales that from on the body" he said.

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