✴ Beautiful As The Stars: Chapter Four ✴

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After hours I noticed two person walking up to us "hello, I'm Ghulam, do you have an idea where we can find Tighnari?" he asked "Um, last I saw him he was going up there" Rosalie said as she pointed out the place Tighnari was going in "thank you" ...

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After hours I noticed two person walking up to us "hello, I'm Ghulam, do you have an idea where we can find Tighnari?" he asked "Um, last I saw him he was going up there" Rosalie said as she pointed out the place Tighnari was going in "thank you" he said before walking away, not to long after that I noticed Lumine and Paimon coming back "hello you two how was the chat with Haypasia" I asked them "great" Paimon said as I nodded, "come on let's go and find Tighnari" Paimon said as I stand up with Rosalie following behind us as we walked to Tighnari "think about it, Tighnari refusing to join is tantamount to burying your head in the sand!" I heard Ghulam said 'Oh great this guy' I thought "I understand that you're a forest watcher and that it's your duty to combat the effects of withering zones, but isn't it evident that such work is not lasting solution to the problem?" he added.

'If he keeps talking I just may punch the man' I thought as we walked up to them "As sage Khajeh clearly stated, your presence and guidance in Sumeru City is pivotal in finding a cure got Irminsul. how could you possibly refuse!?" Ghulam said "Keep your emotions in check, Ghulam. Let's at least listen to Tighnari's reason for declining" the old man said 'finally' I thought "we're here to invite him to the Akademiya, not to cause a scene" the old man added 'to late for that' I thought. "Sage Khajeh, I am truly honored that you came here in person, but I'm afraid I must still decline your invitation" Tighnari said "I am merely a forest watcher. How could the great minds of the Haravatat have any need of someone like me?" Tighnari said "haha, well it turns out that your refusal letter had some implications on your master's reputation. He renowned sage of the Amurta, after all. So now I've come here in his stead" Khajeh said.

"I see. Huh, and I figured that, given her temper, he would come here and berate me personally" Tighnari said "Tighnari, your master is an integral part of this effort, and now he requires your assistance" Khajeh said "And what exactly does my master need of me, Sage Khajeh?" Tighnari ask 'for some reason I don't like thing one bit' I thought as I noticed as my sister glaring at the old man, "You'll know, once you're arrived in Sumeru City, that is" old man said "and how long will I be required to stay?" Tighnari questioned "there's no definite answer as of now" old man said as I sighed before eyeing my sister once again in hopes she doesn't open her mouth. "Do you mean to tell me that despite coming all the way here to Gandharva Ville, you still can't answer the questions I laid out in the letter to my master" Tighnari said "if that's the case, then I'm afraid I cannot give you a definite answer either" Tighnari added.

"Tighnari! But you-" Ghulam started but was cut off as the old man sighed "So be it... Come, Ghulam, we're leaving" old man said before turning away from Tighnari and walked away with the others following behind him, We walked past the group as we finally walked up to Tighnari as we walked up to Tighnari he turned to us "Uh Tighnari, what was that all about?" Paimon asked him "It's nothing" Tighnari said clearly annoyed about them. "Some people from the Akademiya wanted me to go to Sumeru City to assist them with a project, but I had to refuse on account of all my responsibilities here" he said "but all that can wait, how did things go with Haypasia?" Tighnari asked looking at Lumine and then Paimon "it was quite the eventful trip! but the main thing is that she's safe and sound. She answered a bunch of questions for us too" Paimon added as I smiled "Very good. Now that Traveler has made a full recovery, there shouldn't be any reason for you to tarry here longer. I assume you guys will be heading to Sumeru City, correct?" Tighnari said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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