Chap 1

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Note: Since I'm the one who wrote the 1st NCIS Hawaii and Sydney fics for this site's tags, I figured I'd be the one to start the long awaited Tiva show tag on here. :)

Hope you enjoy this, and I can't wait to see what the show gives us either later this year or next year on Paramount +!


 'So, is the flight booked?' Tony asked over the phone.

'Yeah! Me, Delilah and the Twins are all coming to see all 3 of you next month!' Mcgee eagerly replied.

'Woo hoo!!' (knock on the door). 'Excuse me, someone's knocking.'

Answering the door.

'Nice to see you've really upgraded in this world, Mr. Dinozzo.'


3 minutes later.

'So uh, what are you doing here? Or am I not allowed to ask that?' Tony awkwardly asked, using caution given how scary she could be.

'I'm just taking a little vacation from work. A close friend in DC told me you were living here, so I thought I'd come see how you were doing.' Hetty replied, inspecting the place.

'Didn't think you'd care much given that the last time we crossed paths, my prisoner escaped and ran amock in your territory.'

'I remember distinctly. I also remember Gibbs calling me and suggesting I head slap you.'

Tony chuckled at that memory. 'And then you told me to get out of your town.

 Hetty laughed. 'Yes, I did. Ah, that was an amusing day! Clearing her throat. So, how have you been since leaving NCIS?'

'Ah, pretty good! All things considered, finding out that my girlfriend faked her death and had a daughter without telling me. (Awkward pause). Sorry. You probably don't want to hear my sob story.' Tony replied.

'Oh no, I don't mind! In fact, You can tell it over a cup of Scotch I brought with me.'

6 minutes later.

'Wow. You and Miss David have certainly been through a lot.' Hetty said with sympathy.

'Yup. Thankfully, we're in a good place now, it's just taken us a few years. And Tali is, well. (Smiling). She's the light in our lives.' Tony replied. 'She's a lot like her mom.'

 'That's all lovely to hear. So, when do you think you and Miss David will tie the knot?'

Tony almost spat out his drink.

'Sorry! I noticed you don't have a ring, and from the way you talked about your relationship, you sounded like you 2 were married!' Hetty apologized.

Awkward chuckle. 'No no, that's okay! In fact, sometimes I think Ziva and I actually are married when we aren't. It can sometimes get quite confusing!' Tony replied.

'Well, have you ever thought of proposing?'

'A few times, but I just haven't been able to find the right time. I haven't even found the right ring yet, if you can believe it!'

'Well, if you want my advice, even the simplest of proposals are enough. They don't always need to be grand or involve big crowds of people. Oh, and make sure the ring isn't a fake diamond, women tend to hate that.'

'What are you, some kind of love guru or something?' Tony asked, amazed at the old woman's knowledge.

Hetty let out a joyful laugh. 'No! No. Just seen decades of couples and many versions of love.'

'Well, I'll take this under advisement. Thanks for the surprisingly good refreshment, this isn't the store bought stuff?'

'No, only the real deal for me, my dear.'

As a gift, Hetty left him a case of her rare tea, on the grounds that he follow all the directions, otherwise it wouldn't taste too good.

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