Broken Cups

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*slides in this au i made*

heeeeeeyyyyy heres an AU i made where Cesar is just mad asf 25/8 for funsies

might not do actually finish this though but enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

________________________________________________________________A bad day. That's what Cesar's everyday was described as. A bad day. Cesar was never really the same after Mrs Torres died. His kind, motherly energy was replaced by an unlimited amount of rage. Cesar's glass of water broke, cutting his palm. Yet again another glass cup lost. Cesar scoffed at how weak the glass was, putting on his coat and getting ready to go for work.

"Cesar wait-" Mark tried to call for the ravenette. "WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME, MY SOUL??" Cesar snapped, his chest heaving in and out relatively fast, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles were turning white. "You left your goddamn ID card on the table, loser."

"Thanks. Now fuck off." Cesar grabbed the card from Mark, leaving the house with a loud slam of a door. The doorframe shook for a while before coming to a halt.

Mark rolled his eyes. 'Angered soul." Mark muttered as he gently cleared the pieces of glass off the table. Jonah came walking into the room, Adam trailing behind as they both stifled yawns. "Morning." Mark flashed a kind smile at the two. "G'morning..was Cesar mad today?" Jonah rubbed his eyes, Adam leaning on Jonah so he wouldn't fall over. "Ugh. Isn't he just..always mad?" Mark threw the broken glass away into the bin, making a few shatter noises as Mark grimaced.

Jonah chuckled quietly. "Well, it hasn't even been a month since Mrs Torres died. We have to be patient with him and be kind to him." Jonah had a point. Mark dusted his hands off. "Enough about that, you two want some toast and eggs?" Jonah nodded, Adam already asleep on his shoulder. Jonah sat Adam down at the dining table and took a seat beside him, Adam almost instantly slumping down onto the table.

"He's tired today, isn't he?" Mark fastened his apron and got to work. "Mmhm..couldn't get a wink of sleep last night cause he got yelled at by Cesar. But he didn't yell back or protest in any way. He just stood there and took it. And when he went to bed I could hear him quietly crying to himself." Jonah sighed in dispiritedness. "Youch. Is he doing alright?" Mark placed two plates on the table along with buttered toast on each plate, Jonah shaking his head. "I'll talk to him later. If any of you get bullied by Cesar again you can count on me to deal with him. I mean, what's he gonna do, stab me?? C'mon, the dude is like 5'4, what's he gonna-" Mark yelped when his phone rang, taking out his phone and seeing an incoming call from Cesar.

Mark patted his heart so slow his heartbeat. "Hey. It's Cesar." Cesar seemed to be panting over the phone. He probably ran to work again since neither of them had a car much to everyone's inconvenience. "Mhm. What's up?" Mark scrambled Jonah's eggs and salted them, cracking another egg for Adam and frying it. "I'll be back late today. Don't cook dinner for me either. I'll be eating out. Thanks. Don't love you. Bye."

Mark scoffed at the goodbye and put his phone down, serving the two boys their eggs. Jonah nodded as a thanks and Adam woke up eventually, muttering "Thanks.." quietly as he took a bite of the toast. "You two have any work that needs to be done today?" Mark took a seat at the table, sipping on tea. "Adam finished his work yesterday, I'm done with my work. Sarah says hi, by the way." Jonah got up from his seat to get two glasses of water.

"Well why didn't she tell me herself, then?" Mark set his tea down a little harder than he wanted, causing himself to wince. "Well she's still mad at you for what you did." Jonah shrugged, handing Adam a glass of water. Mark sighed. Of course. She was still mad after what he did.

"C'mon, I said I was sorry!" Mark protested, finishing his tea and going to the sink to wash it. "Well, if I was in her place, I'd be really mad too." Jonah kept his voice hushed and quiet the entire time. He got used to it since he knew keeping his voice loud would only anger Cesar. He also knew by keeping his tone quiet would make it easier to put across bad news to people.

"Yeah..I know..." Mark put away his cup, going back to sit at the table. What a day..but they'd get through it.

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