Mark's View

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i forgot this book existed

Could you blame the guy? It would be hard to watch your best friend, someone who was so kind and motherly turn into an endless pit of rage. Mark sighed as he did the dishes, washing away the grime. He wanted to at least make the house clean to uplift Cesar's mood a little. Mark had sent Adam and Jonah to bed early in case Cesar was on a warpath so they wouldn't be caught in any arguement.

Almost as if on cue, Cesar came home, stumbling into the house completely drunk. Mark carefully dried off the dishes and supported Cesar by the shoulder, letting him lean on him. "Fffffuck off..." Cesar's speech was slurred and his face was red. Mark rolled his eyes. "Go to bed. You reek of al-" Mark was going to say alcohol when Cesar tripped and fell face flat. He just layed there. An exasperated groan left Mark as he was about to lift Cesar up when he heard a miserable sob.


" guuuuyyssss aaaaaallllwaaaayysss look at meeeee like I'm aaaaa monsssssterrr.." Cesar whined. This was drunk Cesar for you. Letting his bottled up emotions out. Mark's eyes widened. He paused before clearing his throat. "You wanna talk about it?" Mark squatted beside Cesar. Cesar nodded, still face flat on the wooden floor. A couple more unhappy noises made their way out of him as Mark pulled him upright. Cesar was hiccuping from both crying and drinking so much. "How much did you drink, bud." Mark dragged Cesar to the couch, laying him on the carpet.

Cesar drunkenly raised his hands. He counted for a while. "Sssssseeveenn..." Cesar wiped his tears. Of course. Mark facepalmed as he tied his hair up quickly, getting ready to tackle this situation. "Go bathe you reek. I refuse to sleep in the same room as you." Mark picked Cesar up from under the arms just like a cat, the latter mumbling tired protests, most of them slurred and unfathomable.

Mark turned the shower on and gave Cesar a light shove into the bathroom, silently praying he would actually shower. Easily enough, Cesar did. He was still tipsy however. Cesar wrapped a towel around his shoulders, already changed into a loose shirt and shorts. He stumbled along the halfways before Mark just carried him to the room, throwing him at the bed.

Cesar let out a sad noise, unhappy at being thrown. "Yoouuu'rreee so meeeaaann..!" Cesar rolled over to face Mark, hiccuping once more. "Shut up Cesar." Mark muttered, getting ready for bed too. He was still upset that Cesar had made Adam cry. It was silent for a while before Mark heard another sniffled from Cesar.

"Whaaaaat did IIIII dooooo to yoouuuu..?" Cesar's voice wavered. Here we go again, Mark mentally sighed again. Mark ignored Cesar, hoping he'd get the message and just shut up. A sob escaped Cesar. He was crying now. Full on bawling. "Can you just fucking-" Mark turned around to snap at Cesar, cutting himself off when he saw Cesar hugging his knees, trying his best to stay quiet. He could see the hurt in his eyes. How much his heart hurt.

Mark got up from his bed and sat beside Cesar. "Do you wanna talk about what's bothering you?" Cesar sniffled, rubbing his eyes and nodding. Cesar sat up, hiccups interrupting his speech. Eventually he managed to say something.

"I miss Mama."

Cesar's voice was barely above a whisper, his head hung low. Mark's eyes softened. He kept forgetting that Cesar was still grieving. Mark comfortingly pat Cesar's shoulder, like a mother comforting their child when they fall down. "AND GUESSSSS WHAT. THE COOOOMMMPAAAANNYYYY FFFFFFFFIIIIREEED MEEEEE..!" Cesar yelled after a moment of silence, making Mark jolt. "Fucking Christ, Cesar. Stop drinking alcohol." Mark mumbled before he paused. "Wait, fired?" Mark looked at Cesar with a concerned look on his face, Cesar nodding miserably.

"C-Caaaan yoooou call the ooooffiiicceee (hic) and telllllllll 'em- (hic) IIIIIIII want m-my joooobbb baaaaack..." Cesar leaned on Mark, the latter rolling his eyes. "Drama queen." Mark tried to pull his arm back, but Cesar wouldn't budge. "Pleeeeeeeeaaaaasseee..?" Cesar gave Mark the puppy dog eyes. Mark grimaced. "Never do that again. Please." Mark grabbed the phone off the nightstand as Cesar continued to cling onto him just like a koala does. "MandelaTECH, how may I help you?" A girl seemed to pick up the phone. Evelin. Mark sighed in relief. He really didn't want to talk to his uncle today. "Hey Evelin." Mark's voice was heavy with fatigue. Evelin could be heard pausing before sighing. "Oh. Hey Mark." Evelin was clearly not exactly happy to be hearing from him after the incident with Sarah. "How may I help you."

Mark gulped upon hearing her tone. "Cesar told me he got fired and wouldn't leave me alone until I called you back for you to give him his job back." Mark mumbled, Cesar still whining childishly. "Fired? We didn't fire him." Evelin sighed over the phone. "By the way, Sarah's still mad at you."

"Why the hell does everyone keep telling me that?? I know she is! Who wouldn't be mad after-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Bye." Evelin ended the call. Mark scowled at the phone before turning back to Cesar. "You aren't fired, dumbass. By what I can assume, they gave you a vacay day." Mark whacked Cesar over the head, Cesar grumbling. "Meanie."

"Back at you, bastard." Mark replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he turned the lamp off and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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