A Stab To The Heart

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im gonna probably turn this into a comic on twitter

maybe maybe not depends if i have time to draw everything out


How did Mrs Catherine Torres die exactly? Simple. She was out on a date having fallen for a man she met. She liked his charm. His charisma. His personality. She fell hard for him. So she wanted a proper father figure for Cesar, so she figured that if she got remarried, she could have some help raising Cesar. 

And so she got ready to go on the date. She wore her best dress, took an hour to get ready and kissed Cesar on the forehead goodbye. Her last goodbye, Cesar liked to say.

Cesar watched as Mrs Torres opened the door, not wanting to be spotted by his new step father. He was going to greet the man before he saw a sharp glint. Alas, a sharp knife had been plunged deep into her chest. 

Mrs Torres choked on blood, her eyes widening as her feelings betrayed. Blood poured from his mouth all over her red dress, the blood matching the once beautiful red dress. All because she had fallen for a man. She trusted the first man. And she got hurt. However, she was willing to do it again. But now she was going to lose her life. Cesar froze in his spot, not wanting to come out of his hiding spot.

"Shit." Cesar whispered. He slumped against the wall, trying to sneak out the back door. He tried to close it. He could have escaped safely and Mrs Torres might have lived. Mrs Torres just might have seen the light of day again. She might have just been able to raise Cesar.

The damn cat. Cesar's cat. It stared at Cesar, cocking it's head to the side before meowing. The meow that attracted his attention. The man came running, grabbing Cesar by the arm and throwing him against the wall. Cesar let out a small cry, about to scream before the man covered his mouth, a sadistic smile gracing his lips.

"Don't scream, Torres. You'll only make this worse for yourself." Cesar was shaking, quaking, terrified. He struggled against the grip of the man. This only upset him. The man stepped on Cesar's arm, twisting his foot so it would bend the other way, his screaming muffled as he kicked and screamed, feeling his joints start to tear apart. Cesar's arm broke with a sickening crack, a bloodcurdling scream tearing from him, unfortunately muffled. The man's smile widened. It was far too wide to be human. 

That's when it hit Cesar. the man wasn't human. He was a goddamn alternate. His mother had fallen for a fucking alternate. Cesar's eyes slowly turned to his broken arm, then at the man. The man's face had melted, his eyes wide and unsettling beyond words.

Cesar tried one last time to escape, kicking the man in the stomach. The man's grin turned into a frown. He stood up, Cesar's eyes lighting up with a spark of hope that he would live. No. The man slashed Cesar across the neck.

At this point, Cesar was in so much agony he wished the man could just kill him. The man's face was now entirely black with just two hollow circles resembling eyes. Cesar could feel his consciousness slipping from the pain. The cherry on top of everything was when the man stuck a knife straight in Cesar's stomach.

Cesar prayed silently he would at least see Mrs Torres when he woke up. His wish didn't come true. Cesar woke up in a hospital bed. Everything hurt. And no one was there to comfort him. A nurse walked in to check on him, seeing he was awake, she quickly recaped to him what had happened.

"Your arm isn't badly fractured, I'd reckon it will heal in 3 weeks. And the slash on your neck and the stab wound has been stitched up. Please be careful."

"Where is mama." Cesar asked in a tone, desperate with some information, desperate to know whether she was alive or dead.

The nurse bit her lip, holding her clipboard near to her chest. "I'm sorry for your loss, Mr Torres." The lady whispered. The words came crashing down onto Cesar. Shit. She was dead. She was really dead. And she wasn't coming back. "Don't worry about your hospital bill. Someone by the name of Ruth Weaver came by and paid for it. And the man who killed your mother? He's going for trial tomorrow." The nurse took a bow as she left the room.

Cesar sat in shock. He had woken up with stomach pains, neck pains, a broken arm AND his mother was dead. It couldn't get any worse. But it did. Mrs Torres hadn't paid rent for that month since she had forgotten to the day before, so the landlord kicked Cesar out.

So Cesar was homeless, broke, missing a mother, unable to hold anything and could be attacked at any moment. The next best thing to do was stay with a friend. Thankfully, Cesar knew Mark was staying with Sarah, who happened to stay with Adam and Jonah.

But he just had one last thing to do before he left this in the past. Cesar pulled the zipper of his mother's wind breaker up, making his way to the prison. He was let in, easily. Too bad the guards didn't know what he was planning.

"Long time no see, Torres." The man's voice was laced with venom. "Do not speak to me as though we are friends." Cesar hissed, his eyes narrowing. The man chuckled quietly. "I know you want your revenge. So do your worst, Torres. Avenge Catherine." The man tilted his head at Cesar. Cesar had been prepared. He threw a dagger at the man through the prison bars, hitting him straight in the chest.

The dagger released a chemical which started to burn the man. The man's mouth and eyes started to overflow with blood, coughing and choking as he bled. "You shall die the way my mother has. Being stabbed in the chest. You will burn in hell for your sins, you pathetic snake." Cesar banged the bars with his one good hand. The guards hadn't even noticed what he had done. Shame. 

And so he started walking to Mark's shared apartment. Cesar stood at the doorstep for a moment before deciding there was no turning back.

 With a shaking hand, Cesar ringed the doorbell, nervously fidgetting as he waited for someone to answer. Fortunately. Mark was the one to answer the door.

"Hello? Who's-" Mark paused when he saw the sorry state Cesar was in. "Cesar, what happened? Why are you so-"

"She's dead, Mark. Mama is dead." Cesar choked on a sob, wiping his tears away. Mark bent down and hugged Cesar, comforting him as he sat him down at the dining table.

"Cesar..it's okay. She's in a better place..Now, can you tell me why you have your luggage with you?"

"I-I got kicked out by my landlord..I think Mama f-forgot to pay the..uhh..pay the rent.." Tears cascaded down Cesar's face, Mark sighing as he handed Cesar a tissue. "Guess you can stay here then. There's a spare room that no one really uses." Cesar's eyes lit up.


"Yes really. Best friends till the end." Mark pat Cesar's back.

"Best friends till the end, camarada."

"Cesar, are you listening?" Cesar's boss was starting to get worried since Cesar had been a lot more tired and snappy at work. Cesar snapped back to reality, looking around before realising it was just his boss.

"Yes sir. I'll finish these by today." Cesar quietly muttered, making his boss sigh.

"Cesar I told you that you should take leave and finish these next week. You're too stressed. Go take a rest. You can come back in a week." Cesar's boss took Cesar's documents, Cesar scowling before reluctantly packing his bag and walking out of the office.


i was writing this today and my brain was like "what is this shit bro ts trash you suck at writing stop trynawrite" so i kinda gave up aand am wrting this now

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