Chapter 2

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Shadow wakes up in a cold sweat, taking slow steady breaths to calm himself deciding that a quick shower would help clear his head. Taking a quick glance at the clock realizing that it is 5:42 A.M, getting up with a groan he stretches. One thing that keeps coming back to his mind was Maria, and Gerald on the Arc "Would they still be alive if he had given himself up during G.U.N's raid.. The events still haunt his dreams, but he can't help but feel that it's his fault that they are all dead. As his thoughts begin to wonder, did they think of him as he did of them. They were like family to him but there was that nagging sensation that he never belonged. They were always nice to him Maria was like a sister and Gerald was like a father. He remembered being told that he was created to help people, cure Maria's disease, but all he did was bring death and destruction to those he loved. Sure when Gerald was hired to create him it was to make a weapon, and when Maria died Gerald snapped and unfortunately G.U.N got the weapon they paid for."

"Gerald toyed with my mind and emotions erasing my memories, my promise to Maria in a way Dr. Gerald truly tried to kill her. All to ensure that his revenge was fulfilled, after learning of this I felt betrayed my trust in someone for whom I had such high regard was shattered. Yet I can't bring myself to hate Gerald, then again there is no point to hold a grudge against the dead." Shadow lets out a small sigh as he steps into the shower, closing his eyes deciding to let the water wash his thoughts away. After the shower he goes to his desk to go over the intel he has recently acquired about a old abandon Eggman base that has been reactivated. After reading the info and comparing it with the notes he wrote down from his personal investigations into the base, he comes to the realization that whoever is in control of the base is not the Doctor., or one of his known associates, the bots seemed to be too poorly maintained.

Leading Shadow to believe whoever is in control of the base has either a plan to sell the doctors schematics, or inventions this could lead to some serious problems down the line if left unchecked. Doctor's creations could prove quit dangerous in the wrong hands. Deciding that this is too important of a task to undertake on his own Shadow decides to visit Tails to see if he can organize a meeting with Team Sonic. Hoping to give as little info into the matter as possible, and that they would allow him to make a small covert team that would be best suited for the mission. Deciding to go over the best possible options for the mission and to request a meeting with the one that would prove beneficial to the mission.

Shadow knows that Sonic is out of the question as a potential option for the mission the blue blur was too straightforward with his approach being one to never listen or follow a plan choosing to always really on quick thinking. Tails, Sonic's right hand and adopted brother, he is intelligent and capable practically on par with the Doctor his technological skills would prove invaluable in tracking down other possible locations and the organizations networking. Knuckles the Echidna was a powerful fighter, but his sworn duty to protect the master emerald would make him a unlikely willing candidate. Then there was Amy, she had the necessary qualifications for the mission a capable fighter with an ability to turn invisible temporarily (AN: This skill only appears in Sonic 06) making her an exceptional choice allowing for someone who could very easily be relied upon for stealth and combat. Sticks has unusually high instincts but is incredibly paranoid and untrusting of almost everyone making her incredibly unpredictable a questionable choice at best. Then there was Rouge, an ex member of G.U.N's Team Dark; and treasure hunter, with a flair for dramatics. Finally there was E-123 Omega a badnik created by Dr.Eggman that turned against it's creator a walking arsenal, also a ex member of Team Dark a poor choice for the mission due to his penchant of destruction towards anything else made by the Doctor.

Glancing at the clock before heading out to Tails workshop to arrange a meeting of Team Sonic, the time reading 7:18 A.M.. Hoping that by the time he arrives it is at an appropriate time not wanting to start the mission on a rough patch knowing it may complicate things down the line. Pulling out his green chaos emerald Shadow says "Chaos Control" swiftly enveloped in a bright green light arriving in front of Tails workshop. Approaching the door and giving a set of three firm knocks, hearing a small amount of scuffling and light whispering on the other side followed by an annoyed huff. Light rapid steps can be heard approaching the door, being greeted by a young cream colored rabbit with orange on the tips of her ears and around her eyes, her eyes are a gentle brown but are filled with shock as she sees who knocked on the door.

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