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avalon woke up with dry tears dripping down her face. the room was freezing and she was using a beach towel for a blanket.

in the corner of her eye she saw someone standing in the doorway, which made her jump. it was her mom. she was clearly fuming.

"what are you doing here?" avalon asked with a yawn. she rubbed her eyes and wiped off the dry tears.

"you called me, remember?" she stood there with her arms crossed.

everything quickly came back to her, and she realized how much she fucked up by calling her mom. the immediate regret kicked in.

"you've been lying to me this entire time! saying you're staying at a friends house when really you're secretly off to the beach house!"

avalon rubbed her head to try to soothe the pounding headache she had. she sighed heavily, "i-i'm sorry mom. the boys needed me! i didn't know what else to do."

"you could've been honest with me!" she got louder.

avalon finally started to wake up and really become aware of the situation. she couldn't help but laugh at her mom, "how was i supposed to be honest with you? it's not like you would've listened to me anyways."

"what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"oh, come on! you've been in your own little world ever since susannah died! did you ever stop to think that maybe mateo and i needed you? i get that you were grieving but the least you could do is actually be there for your children! i can't even count on you anymore!" she couldn't hold it in any longer. she had finally snapped.

the guilt took over fiona's face noticeably. she truly hadn't been a mom to her kids ever since susannah.

"i know i haven't been the best mom lately... but that doesn't give you an excuse to sneak off and go hundreds of miles away for days!"

avalon's eyes filled with tears. she tried so hard not to cry but it was nearly impossible. "you probably wouldn't have even noticed we were gone if i hadn't called."

fiona didn't say a word. avalon knew exactly what that meant. she was right.

"get up, we're leaving!" fiona began picking avalons things up off the floor.

"i'm not going anywhere." avalon stood up.

"yes you are. now, let's go!" fiona demanded.

avalon wouldn't budge. she crossed her arms and stood her ground.

fiona laughed in utter disbelief, "we are leaving whether you like it or not."

"there is no 'we'. you can leave but i'm staying. my friends need me."

"i think the boys are capable enough to handle this on their own!"

"it doesn't matter! i want to be here for them... and i can't believe you don't even care. i mean, julia is selling the house... to dad! doesn't that make you want to fight for the house even more?"

fiona had lost her patience, "avalon, there is nothing i can do! your dad's business isn't mine and vice vera. we are done discussing this, now let's go!" she started pulling avalon by the arm.

she hated seeing her mom this way. their relationship had truly went downhill because of fiona's grieving. she simply wasn't the same person anymore. she was barely a mom at this point.

avalon pulled her arm away from her mom's grip. before either of them could argue more, they heard yelling from another room. it was laurel and belly.

"laurel is here too?" avalon asked her mom.

"of course she is. she had a right to know where her kids were too." fiona spoke, still angry with her daughter.

all of a sudden there was a sound of a snack, and belly quickly ran out into the hallway.

both fiona and avalon stood there in shock at what just happened. laurel had never laid a hand on belly like that before. without hesitation, avalon went straight after her friend.

she finally caught up to belly who was sitting outside on the steps leading down to the pool area. belly was dripping with tears, mascara rolling down her face.

avalon sat down next to her without saying anything and began to rub her back. she honestly didn't know what she was supposed to say in a moment like this. all she knew was that she wanted to be there to comfort belly.

belly sniffled her nose as more tears fell down her face, "i don't know why you're being so nice to me."

"why wouldn't i be?" avalon knew the answer, but she still asked.

belly let out a chuckle and sniffled her nose once again, "because i'm a horrible friend."

"belly... we've both done fucked up things, and ironically enough they all had something to do with the fisher boys." she laughed at the thought.

"yeah... yeah that's true."

"so, you aren't the only one who did something wrong. we've both managed to let them get in the way of our friendship. i want that to end."

belly looked over to avalon and smiled, "me too."

avalon gave her a smile back, "i know we can't just magically erase our feelings for them but i want us to be able to talk about this stuff. maybe somehow we can compromise."

"i'd like that."

avalon sighed with relief. she knew it wouldn't be easy since they had feelings for the same people, but maybe they could learn to understand one another better.

"do you know if you're going to get back with jere?" belly asked.

avalon sighed, "i'm not sure. i um... i've actually been hanging out with conrad a lot."

avalon was scared for how belly would react, but she didn't seem too upset. usually belly would unknowingly make a face that expresses her true feelings, and this time she didn't even flinch.

"well, i don't think you need to worry about me and conrad anymore." belly told her with a smile.

"mm... elaborate." she giggled.

"ever since we saw cam at the arcade we've been really hitting it off recently... and honestly, he's gotten my mind off of conrad... and jeremiah too."

avalon nodded with curiosity, "i will need to hear more about this later," she pointed at her, "but i'm glad to hear that. i wish i could learn to pull away from the fisher boys."

"maybe you don't have to." she said which resulted in a look of confusion from avalon, "okay, well you need to pick one!" the two girls shared a laugh.

"but seriously, maybe you really are meant to be with one of them. susannah did always say that at least one of us would end up with one of her boys."

belly was right. maybe she didn't need to get over them. but, she did need to figure out who her heart truly longed for.


HEY HI HELLOOO i was on vacation and also spending time w my bf bc he is now super far away for the summer :( which is why i haven't updated but I AM BACK!!!

i missed you all and i love love reading all of your comments on my stories MWAH

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