Chapter 2

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* it's been a couple of weeks Tim was now discharged he was thinking about what Angela said

* Tim is still at the hotel he decided to stay for a while he didn't have a race till 2 weeks so he stayed

* knock at door

Tim *answers it
Angela : hi someone is here to see you
Lucy *walks in : hi
Tim : ang
Angela : talk to her *leaves them to it

* Tim shut the door and looks at her

Lucy : I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have
Tim *kisses her
Lucy *kisses back
Tim *pulls away : I like you Lucy I like you a lot
Lucy : me too
Tim : will you go on a date with me
Lucy : yea I will
Tim *smiles

* the next day

* Tim and Lucy decide no romantic restaurant just go to a truck and get food

* and that's  what they did

* they are eating and talking

* Lucy and Tim kiss each other and they go on a date

Lucy : I loved today
Tim : me too *kisses her

* Tim took Lucy back to the hotel and they said goodbye

* the next morning

- breaking news

Tim Bradford caught kissing singer Lucy Chen

* uh oh how will Tim and Lucy react

* find out next chapter

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