Chapter 3

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* Tim woke up the next morning and he saw people talking about him and Lucy online

* Tim changed into his clothes he ran out knocked on the door loudly

Lucy *opens it : Tim babe it's 7am
Tim *walks in shuts the door behind him : okay don't freak out
Lucy : what have you done
Tim : why do you expect it was me
Lucy : because when you say don't freak out it's bad news
Tim : when we went out on our date
Lucy : yea
Tim : I'm so sorry I didn't realise people were following us they took pictures of us kissing they know we're together *sits down on the bed
Lucy *sits down next to him grabs his hand : babe it's not your fault you wasn't to know babe I don't care who knows about us
Tim : you sure
Lucy : yes
Tim : okay I fly to Canada today would you want to come with me I have race in 2 days
Lucy : yes babe I would love too
Tim : we leave at 9am then we can relax in Canada
Lucy : definitely

* Tim left Lucy's hotel room goes to his and he packs his suitcase

* Lucy changed into some clothes and she packed her suitcase

* about 1 hour later

* Lucy and Tim left the hotel room and goes into the taxi and headed to the airport

* they eventually arrived at the airport they paid the guy and held hands and they walked into the airport

Guy *taking pictures : Tim is it true that she's your girlfriend
Tim *keeps walking

* they walked up to the jet and they put their suitcase to the men

* they sat down in their seats Lucy has his her head on Tim's shoulder

* Tim shut his eyes and puts his head on top
Of Lucy's head

* 3 hours later

Tim *begin to wake up
Man : sir we've arrived
Tim : okay babe Luce we're here
Lucy *opens eyes looks out of the window she gets up

* Lucy and Tim grab their suitcase and they leave the jet Tim grabs Lucy's hand they are walking people taking pictures and they walk to the taxi they is already paid for as red bull pay for they drive them to the hotel

Lucy : babe I don't have a room
Tim : you do mine
Lucy : really
Tim : yes baby it's a double bed if don't want to
Lucy : nope I do

* they arrive at the hotel

* Tim said thanks and Lucy and Tim grab their suitcase and they walk in they said the name to the woman the room number is 203

* Tim and go into the elevator they press a number couple minutes later the doors opens they walk out walk to their room number see their room puts card in and  opens it takes card out they enter the room and Tim shut the door

* Tim took his shoes off lays on the bed

* Lucy takes her shoes off and cuddles into Tim puts head on his chest

Tim : just rest for a couple of minutes
Lucy : mmm yea

* they shut they eyes and couple of hours later they eventually fell asleep

* Tim's phone goes off

Genny - hey Tim it's me it's about dad we need to talk oh and me and mom coming to see you race love you big brother

* hope you liked this chapter

* uh oh what is it about Tim's dad will Lucy find out about his past find out next chapter

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